Mistango Choir Festival


6,599 results found
Festival We Are Singi(ng)dunum 2017 Нighlights
video: Festival We Are Singi(ng)dunum 2017 Нighlights

We Are Singi(ng)dunum Next edition – 27 to 30 September 2018 Venue: Belgrade, Serbia Non-competitive Festival for all kinds of Choirs with many concerts and common singing. Our Festival is an unforgettable occasion to sing with other Choirs and perf...  more

blog: MUSICA ORBIS PRAGUE Choir Festival

The Prague Concert Co., one of Central Europe’s leading agencies specialising in cultural and music tours since 1994, is happy to announce the launch of the Musica Orbis Prague Choir Festival. Based in Prague, the city of music with fai...

blog: Highlights at the 2015 Melbourne International Singers Festival

'An unforgettable experience, not just a Festival' 5 - 8 June 2015 Queen's Birthday weekend   Now in its 6th year, Australia's most exciting singers Festival for Choirs and individual singers, is proud to present internationally renowned composer...

group: Sound Wave

Very new group full of hard working singers

Winner of the 4.Grieg International Choir Festival - Grand Prix
video: Winner of the 4.Grieg International Choir Festival - Grand Prix

This video shows the Grand Prix performed by VIVA, Sandnes Cultural School Choir, at the 4th Grieg International Choir Festival competition. The youth Choir impressed the judges and audience with the stunning combination of Norwegian Folk songs and South ...  more

blog: youngbohemia ADVENT 2019 - International Youth Choir Festival and Competition for Children´s and Youth Choirs

from 05 to 08 December 2019 The Festival organizers of the traditional youth Festival youngbohemia Prague invite children´s Choirs, youth Choirs and youth adult Choirs to the first edition of the new choral event during the Advent season in Prague....

blog: The 13th World Peace Choral Festival: A Celebration of Harmony in Vienna

The 13th World Peace Choral Festival in Vienna: A Symphony of Unity This July 18-21, the heart of Vienna pulses with the spirit of unity at the 13th World Peace Choral Festival. Under Prof. Gerald Wirth's leadership from the Vienna Boys' Choir, we're set...

blog: A time-honored choral tradition coming in 2025

In 1988, when Budapest International Choir Festival & Competition was founded, a milestone was set in the history of choral competitions. In 2025 we will already celebrate the 19th anniversary of this Festival in Budapest. Be participants in one of Centr...

blog: Gospel Rising Music Festival. Dublin 1, Ireland

Ireland's biggest gospel music choral Festival celebrates 10 years of bringing the gospel Choir community together   Dublin City 17th -19th May 2019   The Gospel Rising Music Festival is Ireland's biggest social, fun and energetic gospel mus...

blog: ALBION - English Musical Festival

SUNDAY 24 MAY at 2.15pm THE ENGLISH MUSIC Festival in Sutton Courtenay, Oxfordshire - website www.englishmusicFestival.org.uk  We make our first appearance at this prestigious national Festival in a beautiful church  -- I...