International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo

What's New

  • shaik sadiyashaik
    shaik sadiyashaik wrote a new blog entry:
    6 hours ago
  • shaik sadiyashaik
    shaik sadiyashaik has just signed up.
  • Richard Janzen
    Richard Janzen posted a new video:
    Londonderry Air (Danny Boy)
    Londonderry Air (Danny Boy)
    From our FALL POPS concert in Saskatoon, SK Knox United Church November 3, 2024 North Sky Chorale is directed by Richard Janzen Audrey Falk Janzen, collaborative pianist Audio and Video Recording by Craig Bauman Video editing by Richard Janzen Audio...
    Thu at 4:19 PM
  • Chris Rowbury
    Chris Rowbury wrote a new blog entry:
    Wed at 2:31 PM
  • Saint John Men's Chorus
    Saint John Men's Chorus posted a new video:
    'Ave  Maria' by Franz Joseph Haydn
    'Ave Maria' by Franz Joseph Haydn
    'Ave Maria' by Franz Joseph Haydn (Arranger for Strings: Hugues Laforte-Bouchard) 1 take on cell phone (2 cameras) Cantores Celestes Maritimes Saint John Men's Chorus Cantores Celestes String Quartet Director Kelly Galbraith This is a piece ...
    Mon at 10:35 PM
  • Andrés Aciar
    Andrés Aciar commented on Diane Orlofsky's blog entry: Good morning. I greet them and introduce myself. My name is Carlos Andrés Aciar. I am a choir director in Argentina. I currently direct the choir of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the UBA (University of Buenos Aires). Your podcast is very inter...  more
    Mon at 1:42 PM
  • David Solomons
    David Solomons posted a new video:
    Past two o'clock
    Past two o'clock
    ATBarB version (SATB version is also available) Parody of the old Christmas Carol "Past three o'clock"; words and music by David W Solomons, performed by the dwsChorale.
    Mon at 7:56 AM
  • David Solomons
    Facebook user commented on Homechoir's video:
    Mon at 1:30 AM
  • David Solomons
    Facebook user commented on Homechoir's video:
    Mon at 1:30 AM
  • David Solomons
    David Solomons posted a new video:
    Improvisation for meditation on Gu-Cheng or "Cheng" or "guzhen" 古筝 (Chinese zither) small bells (Xing or Peng Ling 碰铃- also known as touch bells) and bass and alto voices Performed by David W Solomons
    Mon at 12:58 AM