International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


6,463 results found
blog: Taking over an eStablished Choir – a guide for Choir leaders

[A version of this article firSt appeared as a poSt on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   Choir leaders don’t laSt forever so there will come a time when a Choir needs to find a new one.     If you’re the person ...

CHIJ KC Choir - Sakura Sakura
video: CHIJ KC Choir - Sakura Sakura

CHIJ KC Choir at Sing 'n' Joy Vienna 2012, the 1St Choir feStival & 28th International Franz Schubert Choir Competition singing Sakura Sakura

blog: Kids Choir Fundraising for others

The Major Minors Children’s Choir have been busy performing across the region this year. Their next concert features Choir singing and solos from members of the Choir who performed at the Hutt VAlley Performing Arts Competitions  in July. The C...

Choir Biayenda Dakar
group: Choir Biayenda Dakar

Twenty years after showing its marvelous performances on Stage, the Biayenda Choir of Dakar was able to build its own réputation as one of the moSt committed Choir in Senegal. This intercultural Choir comprises fifteen amateur singers from several african...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Twenty years after showing its marvelous performances on Stage, the Biayenda Choir of Dakar was able to build its own réputation as one of the moSt committed Choir in Senegal. This intercultural Choir comprises fifteen amateur singers from several african countries. It was firSt eStablishments in 1996 in Dakar by a group of youth who adored the art of singing. The Choir consiStently performed varions type of music, gathering between both classical and modern music (folklore and international). It transcended continents, surpassed réas and diversified its origins from spiritual music, through romantic, to religious and reaching comic music, with a tendency towards african melodies and rythms. It urges us to re-discover and unveil the musical treasures of african continent that dates back to anceStors and to the native people of the Black continent. On the Stage, the Choir collaborated with famous conductors such as Michel Piquemal with Choeur Vittoria (Île de France)de Paris or Dr Intessar Abdel Fattah, Egypti...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Edinburgh Police Choir
group: Edinburgh Police Choir

The Edinburgh Police Choir is open to anyone who can sing, not juSt to police Staff. Our performances are described as ‘absolutely incredible’, ‘Stunning’, ‘inspiring’, and ‘hugely surprising’. That’s because we work hard to deserve such comments. We beg...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The Edinburgh Police Choir is open to anyone who can sing, not juSt to police Staff. Our performances are described as ‘absolutely incredible’, ‘Stunning’, ‘inspiring’, and ‘hugely surprising’. That’s because we work hard to deserve such comments. We began 6 years ago as the Lothian and Borders Police Choir and have performed at events in large and smAll venues, have sung in New York, representing Scotland at the 10th anniversary of 9/11, at T in the Park, have sold out at the Edinburgh FeStival Fringe, and have been highly placed in competitions.  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

group: Urjwan

Urjwan Choir Tartous - Syria Urjwan Choir was launched in September 2015 in Tartous City - Syria as a Choir group for harmonicAlly diStributed singing. The Adutl Choir Includes More Than 60 amateurs, who belong to various social, scientific and cultur...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Urjwan Choir Tartous - Syria Urjwan Choir was launched in September 2015 in Tartous City - Syria as a Choir group for harmonicAlly diStributed singing. The Adutl Choir Includes More Than 60 amateurs, who belong to various social, scientific and cultural groups and segments: school and university Students, employees, teachers, engineers, doctors, parents ... and from different denominations and religions of Syrian society and Syrian Cities and Governorates, who were brought together, due to war conditions, in the City of Tartous. The firSt objective of eStablishing this Choir was to integrate choral music into our local musical culture as a new type of sung music whereby the Choir presents international choral works to its Syrian audience. Moreover, the Choir aims to develop and modernize the methods of Arab musical compositions by harmonizing and rearranging it and singing it in a way that uses the beSt scientific and technical methods to present the beSt human voice professionAlly. The Choir’s rep...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

blog: Singers miss out when there’s no Choir, but what about Choir leaders?

[A version of this article firSt appeared as a poSt on my blog From the Front of the Choir] There are plenty of Studies now about the many benefits of singing together. But they only look at the experience of the singers in a Choir.   I&rsqu...

Sing'theatre Academy Show Choir Teaser
video: Sing'theatre Academy Show Choir Teaser

What is a Show Choir? A show Choir is a group of people singing while incorporating a few dance movements or simple choreography. Our show Choir classes are crafted especiAlly for adults with a musical repertoire including a mix of Jazz Swing, Retro and P...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">What is a Show Choir? A show Choir is a group of people singing while incorporating a few dance movements or simple choreography. Our show Choir classes are crafted especiAlly for adults with a musical repertoire including a mix of Jazz Swing, Retro and Popular classics.  

blog: Should your Choir perform live? – arguments for and againSt

[A version of this article firSt appeared as a poSt on my blog From the Front of the Choir] When I Started my moSt recent community Choir The OK Chorale back in 2011 I decided it wasn’t going to be a performing Choir.     Brig...

Concert Choir in Wales
group_photo: Concert Choir in Wales

The Mansfield University Concert Choir placed second in the Youth Choir and the Mixed Choir categories at the 2011 International Musical EiSteddfod in Llangollen, Wales