Time Management in the Choral Rehearsal
Added December 26, 2017 - 2301 views - 0 comments
Time Management in the Choral Rehearsal Before Rehearsal Organize your space before the rehearsal begins. Make sure the physical organization of the space is taken care of in advance and that all materials that will be used during the rehearsal are at hand. Place items on individual seat...
10 More Techniques to Improve Intonation
Added March 2, 2015 - 11116 views - 0 comments
10 More techniques to improve intonation Frank F. Eychaner- University of Texas of the Permian Basin 1) CONSONANTS- Executing consonants clearly and allowing the vowel to sound on the beat improves intonation by avoiding the ‘noise’ of a lack of rhythmic...
Added March 7, 2014 - 1975 views - 0 comments
Rehearsing and performing using a variety of movement exercises will powerfully impact the artistry of a choral performance. The applications of movement in our choirs are nearly endless. Vocal technique is aided through the liberal use of movement in the rehearsal. Our gestural choices are...
32 Tried and True Principles of Choral Leadership
Added January 18, 2014 - 1526 views - 0 comments
Becoming the best choral leader you can requires a lifetime of committment, hard work and a never ending willingness to learn and grown. Consider the following principles on your journey to maximizing your impact as a leader both inside and outside of the rehearsal room. Build up those arou...
10 Techniques to Improve Choral Intonation
Added November 6, 2013 - 12661 views - 0 comments
10 TECHNIQUES TO IMPROVE INTONATION 1) GOOD MODELS– Most the students in our choirs have not grown up listening to exceptional choral singing. Obtain great recordings, listen to them regularly and share them with students. Youtube, Itunes, Spotify, Rhapsody and...