Time Management in the Choral Rehearsal
Before Rehearsal
During Rehearsal
8. .Have a Starting Routine- Be it warm-ups, sight-singing, theory sheets, or other skill building exercise, have a consistent plan for starting rehearsal on time and efficiently
9 . Talk less and sing more
10. Give instruction for finding a place in the score by: 1) page number, 2) score on the paper, 3) measure of the score, 4) Beat in the measure
11. Insist each singer has a pencil and marks the score.
12. Anticipate challenges in each score and develop multiple ways to address those challenges.
13. Have everyone sing a challenging passage in a single part
14. Never have a large portion of the choir inactive for more than a few moments. This invites discipline issues and off task behavior.
15. Have a procedure to get quickly from one selection or activity to another. Without a well executed plan, much time is lost in transitions
16. Change the formation of the choir
17. Don’t spend too long on any one thing. Work on a variety of new, old and emerging works in each rehearsal.
18. Beware of unvaried rehearsal procedures!
19. Get other adults to help with non-musical tasks like administrating fundraisers and fitting uniforms so rehearsal time can be dedicated to rehearsing!
20. Faithfully teach sight-singing in each rehearsal using the same method each day and ideally the same method your feeders use! Teach a singer to fish…
21. Decide carefully what to work on…working on pitch accuracy is less effective when rhythms are not secure. Working on intonation isn’t effective if singers have deficient vocal technique.
22. Begin and end each rehearsal on time!!!