International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


7,199 results found
Water Ruminations - VI. Singing
video: Water Ruminations - VI. Singing

SINGING When the soul first put on the body's shirt, the ocean lifted up all its gifts. When love first tasted the lips of being human, it started singing. Texts by Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks © 1995 Coleman Barks. Used by permission. ...  more

Water Ruminations - III. Water from your spring - Tom Flaherty
video: Water Ruminations - III. Water from your spring - Tom Flaherty

III. WATER FROM YOUR SPRING What was in that candle's light that opened and consumed me so quickly? Come back, my friend! The form of our love is not a created form. Nothing can help me but that beauty. There was a dawn I remember when...  more

Water Ruminations - IV. The Sweet Cold Water
video: Water Ruminations - IV. The Sweet Cold Water

IV. THE SWEET COLD WATER We are the mirror as well as the face in it. We are tasting the taste this minute of eternity. We are pain and what cures pain, both. We are the sweet cold water and the jar that pours. Texts by Rumi, translated by Colem...  more

WaterRuminations - II. Entering the Shell - Tom Flaherty
video: WaterRuminations - II. Entering the Shell - Tom Flaherty

ENTERING THE SHELL Love is alive, and someone borne along by it is more alive than lions roaring or men in their fierce courage. Bandits ambush others on the road. They get wealth, but they stay in one place. Lovers keep moving, never the sam...  more

Water Ruminations - I. A Water Wheel Turns - Tom Flaherty
video: Water Ruminations - I. A Water Wheel Turns - Tom Flaherty

I. A WATER WHEEL TURNS Inside water, a water wheel turns. The star circulates with the moon. We live in the night ocean wondering, What are these lights? Texts by Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks © 1995 Coleman Barks. Used by permission. ...  more

Water Ruminations - V. Flutes for Dancing
video: Water Ruminations - V. Flutes for Dancing

FLUTES FOR DANCING It's lucky to hear the flutes for dancing coming down the road. The ground is glowing. The table set in the yard. We will drink all this wine tonight because it's Spring. It is. It's a growing sea. We're clouds over the sea, o...  more

Platinum Consort
group: Platinum Consort

Platinum Consort was founded by Scott Inglis-Kidger and Claire Jaggers in 2005. The Consort specialises in bringing vibrancy to early music, as well as breathing life into newly commissioned pieces. Originating at the University of Cambridge, the Consort..." target="_blank" rel...    less

The Marion Consort : J'ay mis mon cuer - Guillaume Dufay
video: The Marion Consort : J'ay mis mon cuer - Guillaume Dufay

J'ay mis mon cuer et ma pensee - Guillaume Dufay The Marion Consort from Chicago, Illinois From our summer concert on Sunday, July 17, 2011 at Alverno College in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Check out more live recordings on our facebook page! www.fa...  more

The Victoria Consort
group: The Victoria Consort

The Victoria Consort is a Belfast based chamber Choir established in 2011, comprised of some of the finest young singers from across Northern Ireland. The Choir performs a wide range of choral music to a high standard in concerts across the country.

The Willow Consort
group: The Willow Consort

Founded in 2014, The Willow Consort is an exciting new chamber Choir based at The University of York directed by Danny Purtell. We perform a wide range of repertoire, from Renaissance to contemporary works. All of our singers have been hand-picked and...  more