International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


9 results found
Here hum the bees - Cecilia McDowall
video: Here hum the bees - Cecilia McDowall

World premiere performance, St John's Smith Square, London, March 2024

'The Zoos & the Bees' from the Stone&Tara Songbook for choirs
video: 'the Zoos & the bees' from the Stone&Tara Songbook for choirs

'the Zoos & the bees' is a Swingle Singers-like work that lends itself perfectly as an encore to a concert by your choir. At the end of the concert, the audience will have been drawn into a whole new universe of sounds and, will leave the concert hall hap...  more

Sweet honey sucking bees - John Wilbye
video: Sweet honey sucking bees - John Wilbye

Live recording of "A5 vocal ensemble" concert in Seville, 19th of June of 2016.

Sweet honey Sucking bees - University of Primorska Academic Choir
video: Sweet honey Sucking bees - University of Primorska Academic Choir

1st place Gold Medal || 1° posto Medaglia d'Oro Festival InCanto Mediterraneo 2013

blog: Flash, bang, wallop! Photographing choirs

[this is a version of a post which first appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   One of the many bees in my bonnet is the photographs of choirs.     Photo by sludgeulper   I have yet to see a photo of any reasonabl...

Some Hums, by Pooh | The Girl Choir of South Florida
video: Some hums, by Pooh | the Girl Choir of South Florida

"Some hums, by Pooh" by Ron Jeffers. Text from "Winnie-the-Pooh" by A. A. Milne. 1. Honey hum 2. Cottlestone Pie 3. Noise, by Pooh Recorded live on Sunday, May 4, 2014, at All Saints Episcopal Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Performed by the C...  more

Africa by Toto - Hummingsong Choirs & B'tutta Percussion
video: Africa by Toto - hummingsong Choirs & B'tutta Percussion

In "A Night of Rhythm & Song" hummingsong Community Choirs with special guest B'tutta percussion performed Africa by Toto. Raising over $75,000 for women and local children's shelters since 2012. Conducted - Anna humberstone 250 singers from hum...  more

Tim Knight - How they so softly rest
video: Tim Knight - How they so softly rest

SATB /Organ and Optional Trumpet, recorded Here at St bees Priory with the Masterworks chorale

To make a Prairie - poem by Emily Dickinson music by John Graham
video: To make a Prairie - poem by Emily Dickinson music by John Graham

To make a prairie - for piano and three voices Music by John Graham poem by Emily Dickinson, 1830 - 1886 To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee, One clover, and a bee. And revery*. the revery alone will do, If bees are few. Music sung ...  more