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Sydney Vocal Project Demo Sept 2012
Sydney Vocal Project is a contemporary chamber Choir from Sydney Australia. This video is their latest Demo featuring some of their favourite song snippits. We currently have two cyberspace (s?) Our new one is and our ... moreSydney Vocal Project is a contemporary chamber Choir from Sydney Australia. This video is their latest Demo featuring some of their favourite song snippits. We currently have two cyberspace (s?) Our new one is and our soon to be phased out cyber home is
Thomas Tallis - Lamentations I & II - Demo live (Aletheia Consort)
L’Aletheia Consort nasce nel 2014 dal fortunato incontro di cinque musicisti provenienti da formazioni di punta della coralità italiana, uniti dalla voglia e dal desiderio di approfondire la ricerca dell’intimo legame che unisce la parola alla musica.
... moreL’Aletheia Consort nasce nel 2014 dal fortunato incontro di cinque musicisti provenienti da formazioni di punta della coralità italiana, uniti dalla voglia e dal desiderio di approfondire la ricerca dell’intimo legame che unisce la parola alla musica.
Demo creata con materiale live (Roma, chiesa di S. Giovanni a Porta Latina, 1 agosto 2014) delle Lamentazioni di Thomas Tallis.
Aletheia Consort
Enrico Torre - Alto
Antonio Orsini - Tenore
Marco Barbon - Tenore
Luca Scaccabarozzi - Basso
Enrico Correggia - Basso
Incipit lamentatio Ieremiae prophetae.
ALEPH. Quomodo sedet sola civitas plena populo! Facta est quasi vidua domina gentium; princeps provinciarum facta est sub tributo.
BETH. Plorans ploravit in nocte, et lacrimæ ejus in maxillis ejus: non est qui consoletur eam, ex omnibus caris ejus; omnes amici ejus spreverunt eam, et facti sunt ei inimici.
Ierusalem, convertere ad Dominum Deum tuum.
De lamentatione Ieremiae prophetae.
GHIMEL. Migravit Judas... less
"This Still Room"
"This Still Room" - text by John Greenleaf Whittier, music by Jonathan Adams
Vocalix Demo-Medley 2017
Medley - live recording from our concert "Cold Hands Warm Hearts
Includes: Thankful, A Child is born, A Christmas Blessing, Let it be Me, Don't worry about Me
I Lift My Eyes Up to the Hills, Thomas Keesecker
One of my favorite Demo recordings ( from Augsburg Fortress) from a few years ago. I love the tempo, phrasing, rubato and expressiveness. The paraphrase of Psalm 121 is mine. I wrote this as my way of dealing with the loss of two Choir members who both su... moreOne of my favorite Demo recordings ( from Augsburg Fortress) from a few years ago. I love the tempo, phrasing, rubato and expressiveness. The paraphrase of Psalm 121 is mine. I wrote this as my way of dealing with the loss of two Choir members who both suddenly died the first year I was in Montana. It was my way of turning to the psalms for prayer. The recent pictures were taken in Shenandoah National Park in Virginia.