1,219 results found
Le Châtelet sur le toit | Chœur d’Enfants Sotto Voce
A l'approche des fêtes de fin d'année, le Chœur d'Enfants Sotto Voce, nous offre un medley de chansons de Noël depuis le toit du Théâtre.
Le Chœur d’Enfants Sotto Voce, composé d’une soixantaine d’enfants originaires de toute la région parisienne, est... moreA l'approche des fêtes de fin d'année, le Chœur d'Enfants Sotto Voce, nous offre un medley de chansons de Noël depuis le toit du Théâtre.
Le Chœur d’Enfants Sotto Voce, composé d’une soixantaine d’enfants originaires de toute la région parisienne, est une véritable « famille artistique » qui a créé en 1993 par Scott Alan Prouty et accueilli par le Théâtre du Châtelet depuis 18 ans. Considéré comme « l’un des meilleurs chœurs d’enfants en France aujourd’hui » le Chœur d’Enfants Sotto Voce est surtout connu pour l’originalité de ses prestations, ses créations et son répertoire très varié allant de la musique classique à la comédie musicale américaine en passant par le jazz et la chanson française. Depuis plus de 28 ans, le chœur a marqué la scène parisienne et séduit des publics varies à l’occasion de plus de six cents concerts et spectacles en France et à l’étranger.
_ It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, Eddie Pola/George Wyle
_ Baby It’s Cold Outside, Frank Loesser
_ Jingle Bells, arr. Ray Charle... less
Mills Brothers Medley by the 'Revelations' of Sri Lanka
This is a rendition of a Medly of songs made famous by the Mills Brothers by The Revelations of Sri Lanka. The Revelations won two Gold and one Silver medal at the World choir games in Austria (2008) singing choral a-cappella style music in the Gospel, Po... moreThis is a rendition of a Medly of songs made famous by the Mills Brothers by The Revelations of Sri Lanka. The Revelations won two Gold and one Silver medal at the World choir games in Austria (2008) singing choral a-cappella style music in the Gospel, Pop, and Male voice vocal ensemble categories. They were also declared world Champions in two of the categories after achieving the highest number of points in these two categories. The once eleven member team is now down to nine members and are working hard to retain the level of excellence which enabled them to win in Austria. See other uploads by 'vokaltotal' less
Then Christmas Comes
Brethren wants to share this musical offering with you on Christmas morning, "Then Christmas Comes". May we always "be mindful of others". Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Christmas Party - Medley of 3 Christmas Song
Christmas Party is a medley of 3 Christmas songs arranged by Otniel Simangunsong. The three Christmas songs often heard by ordinary people are The First Noel, Jingle Bells, and Santa Claus is Comin' To Town.
Otniel does not only combine the three songs i... moreChristmas Party is a medley of 3 Christmas songs arranged by Otniel Simangunsong. The three Christmas songs often heard by ordinary people are The First Noel, Jingle Bells, and Santa Claus is Comin' To Town.
Otniel does not only combine the three songs in the order of the first, second and third songs. In a certain part, namely at the end of the song, he combines the three songs to be sung simultaneously with the accompaniment of applause and Christmas bells. This song has a unique dynamic, in which Otniel wants the choir singing it to invite the entire audience to sing along and the singers must help convince the audience that the joy of Christmas is with them. In this arrangement, the singers should show an attitude that encourages the audience to dance and sing, and there are times when the singers tell stories about the atmosphere of Christmas.
visit this link to get the score: less
Noctis ~ Christmas Medley Challenge ~ 2012
A Christmas challenge for all of those who think they know carols really well! All these snippets have been reversed! Can you name that carol or Christmas song?! It's a lot harder than you think!
Find the answers on our other video here: http://youtu.... moreA Christmas challenge for all of those who think they know carols really well! All these snippets have been reversed! Can you name that carol or Christmas song?! It's a lot harder than you think!
Find the answers on our other video here:
Merry Christmas!
Love Came Down at Christmas - Te Deum Chamber Choir
Live performance, November 12, 2017
Village Presbyterian Church, Prairie Village, Kansas
Love came down at Christmas,
love all lovely, Love divine;
Love was born at Christmas;
star and angels gave the sign.
Worship we the Godh...
Live performance, November 12, 2017
Village Presbyterian Church, Prairie Village, Kansas
Love came down at Christmas,
love all lovely, Love divine;
Love was born at Christmas;
star and angels gave the sign.
Worship we the Godhead,
Love incarnate, Love divine;
worship we our Jesus,
but wherewith for sacred sign?
Love shall be our token,
love be yours and love be mine;
love to God and others,
love for plea and gift and sign.
-Christina Rossetti