6,533 results found
Lecture on Stanford with Professor Jeremy Dibble
As part of the Royal School of Church Music's events to mark the centenary of the death of Charles Villiers Stanford, the noted Stanford expert, Jeremy Dibble (University of Durham), will give an illustrated lecture on Stanford's music at Queens' College,...
Arts and Ideas: Chicago a cappella
Chicago a cappella, a nine-member classical vocal ensemble, performed Beatles hits during an Arts and Ideas event Saturday, Jan. 30 in front of a full house in Aurora University's Crimi Auditorium.
Dancing Queen - Benny Andersson, Björn Ulvaeus, Stig Anderson, arr. Roger Emerson
The concert "ACH! PG Carnivalesque" under the patronage of Prof. Krzysztof Wilde, rector of Gdańsk Tech, attracted several hundred people who listened to daring performances of popular pop music hits. During the performance we heard choral arrangements of... moreThe concert "ACH! PG Carnivalesque" under the patronage of Prof. Krzysztof Wilde, rector of Gdańsk Tech, attracted several hundred people who listened to daring performances of popular pop music hits. During the performance we heard choral arrangements of hits such as: "Dancing Queen", "Memory", "California Dreamin'" and "Maria". This time it was not Mozart or Bach, but ABBA, Queen and songs from the musical West Side Story that graced the walls of the Gdansk University of Technology in carnivalesque musical artistic creations.
Jazz musicians performed along with the choir, and the musical effects were accompanied by a unique lighting arrangement, which required appropriate space and audience arrangement.
The more-than-hour-long performance by the Academic Choir of the Gdańsk University of Technology, conducted by Prof. Mariusz Mróz and accompanied by musicians from the Music Academy in Bydgoszcz, ended with joint singing, encores and a standing ovation. less
West Side Story IV: America - Leonard Bernstein, Stephen Sondheim, arr. Mac Huff
The concert "ACH! PG Carnivalesque" under the patronage of Prof. Krzysztof Wilde, rector of Gdańsk Tech, attracted several hundred people who listened to daring performances of popular pop music hits. During the performance we heard choral arrangements of... moreThe concert "ACH! PG Carnivalesque" under the patronage of Prof. Krzysztof Wilde, rector of Gdańsk Tech, attracted several hundred people who listened to daring performances of popular pop music hits. During the performance we heard choral arrangements of hits such as: "Dancing Queen", "Memory", "California Dreamin'" and "Maria". This time it was not Mozart or Bach, but ABBA, Queen and songs from the musical West Side Story that graced the walls of the Gdansk University of Technology in carnivalesque musical artistic creations.
Jazz musicians performed along with the choir, and the musical effects were accompanied by a unique lighting arrangement, which required appropriate space and audience arrangement.
The more-than-hour-long performance by the Academic Choir of the Gdańsk University of Technology, conducted by Prof. Mariusz Mróz and accompanied by musicians from the Music Academy in Bydgoszcz, ended with joint singing, encores and a standing ovation. less
Sesa Me - Kwaku Agyeman (SDAH NG 11)
Sesa Me by Kwaku Agyemang.
Found in the SDAH Ghanaian tunes known as Ghana Nkekaho, 11.
Hope Channel Ghana
GH Choral Music
The Sixteen
Aeolians Of Oakwood University
Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
#hymns #trending #chor... moreSesa Me by Kwaku Agyemang.
Found in the SDAH Ghanaian tunes known as Ghana Nkekaho, 11.
Hope Channel Ghana
GH Choral Music
The Sixteen
Aeolians Of Oakwood University
Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
#hymns #trending #choralmusic #viral #shorts #reels #music #song #hymn #popular
CoroPop di Salerno
Il CoroPop di Salerno comincia la sua attività nel 2015 per iniziativa dell’Associazione Astronomia Corale che, nata nel medesimo anno, tiene unito lo stesso gruppo – coristi e maestro – il quale dal 2006 al 2014 ha condotto la meravigliosa esperienza del... moreIl CoroPop di Salerno comincia la sua attività nel 2015 per iniziativa dell’Associazione Astronomia Corale che, nata nel medesimo anno, tiene unito lo stesso gruppo – coristi e maestro – il quale dal 2006 al 2014 ha condotto la meravigliosa esperienza del Coro Pop dell’Università degli Studi di Salerno, formazione che ha raccolto unanimi consensi sul piano musicale locale e nazionale.
Sin dalla sua fondazione, il coro è diretto dal Maestro Ciro Caravano, noto al pubblico come uno dei cantanti, ma anche produttore, arrangiatore e direttore del gruppo vocale Neri per Caso nonché direttore musicale del cantante Mario Biondi.
Il gruppo esegue brani celebri di musica leggera italiana ed internazionale, appositamente rivisti e riarrangiati dallo stesso direttore, in chiave “a cappella” in modo da esaltarne l’originalità dei motivi e la ricchezza dell’armonia attraverso nuove chiavi di lettura e un pizzico di ironia, che è poi uno dei tratti distintivi di questa esuberante formazione musicale. Il CoroPop è composto ... less
Coro de Filosofía y Letras de la UBA
El Coro de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires es una agrupación conformada por estudiantes de esta casa de estudios y miembros de la comunidad. Sus integrantes realizan esta actividad en forma vocacional y en su gran mayor... moreEl Coro de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires es una agrupación conformada por estudiantes de esta casa de estudios y miembros de la comunidad. Sus integrantes realizan esta actividad en forma vocacional y en su gran mayoría realizan actividades y estudios distintas a la actividad musical. En 2010 obtuvo el diploma de Bronce en la Octava Competencia Internacional de Coros de Elsenfeld, Alemania. Director: Andrés Aciar
The Choir of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters - Buenos Aires University- is a grouping conformed by both students of this institution of higher education and members of the community. Their members perform this activity in vocational fashion and the great majority of them has main occupations and studies that are not related to musical activity. In 2010 the choir won the Bronze Diploma in the 8th International Choir Competition of Elsenfeld, Germany. Conductor: Andrés Aciar less
İKÜ Çok Sesli Koro Performansı | Ömer Yusuf Topçu | TEDxİKÜ
Şef Ömer Yusuf Topçu ile İKÜ Çok Sesli Korusu TEDxİKÜ sahnesinde!
İKÜ Çok Sesli Korosu Şef Ömer Yusuf Topçu ile çalışmaktadır. Bugüne kadar Harvard Üniversitesi, Yale Üniversitesi, Duke Üniversitesi, Missouri Drury Üniversitesi, Perugia Üniversitesi, N... moreŞef Ömer Yusuf Topçu ile İKÜ Çok Sesli Korusu TEDxİKÜ sahnesinde!
İKÜ Çok Sesli Korosu Şef Ömer Yusuf Topçu ile çalışmaktadır. Bugüne kadar Harvard Üniversitesi, Yale Üniversitesi, Duke Üniversitesi, Missouri Drury Üniversitesi, Perugia Üniversitesi, New York Dwight Lisesi, Chicago Gençlik Korosu ile ortak konserler, atölye çalışmaları ve değişim programları gerçekleştirdi.
Koro ilk konser turnesini 2013 yılının Haziran ayında Perugia Üniversitesi ile Perugia ve Assisi şehirlerindeki konserleri ile İtalya’ya yaptı.
2013 Nisan’nında Antalya Uluslararası Koro Yarışmalarında uluslararası jüriden “Kültürlerarası İletişim Ödülü”nü aldı.
Koro kurulduğundan bu yana Sabancı Müzesi, St. Antuan Kilisesi, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul Üniversitesi, Koç Üniversitesi Yeditepe Üniversitesi, Avusturya Konsolosluğu Kültür Ofisi konserlerinin yanı sıra Kanal D, TRT, Show TV gibi Türk TV’lerindeki programlara davet edildi.
2013 Haziran’ında BBC tarafından davet edilen koro İstanbul’da bir petrol tankerinde “Se... less
El Coro está dirigido por el Maestro Arturo Hernández desde 1992. Ha ofrecido cerca de 400 presentaciones. Lo forman estudiantes de las especialidades que ofrece la Universidad de Piura (Perú). Se inician en el canto polifónico postulando primero a la Cor... moreEl Coro está dirigido por el Maestro Arturo Hernández desde 1992. Ha ofrecido cerca de 400 presentaciones. Lo forman estudiantes de las especialidades que ofrece la Universidad de Piura (Perú). Se inician en el canto polifónico postulando primero a la Coral Universitaria, por donde han pasado cerca de mil jóvenes diferentes en los últimos 15 años. Los más destacados, son admitidos en el Coro, donde se perfeccionan a través de ensayos semanales, bajo la dirección del Maestro Hernández. Normalmente actúan entre 35 y 50 jóvenes, que saben armonizar su tiempo de clases y estudio con los ensayos. Desde 1989 el Coro y la Coral son promovidos por el Dr. Luis Eguiguren Callirgos.
"Coro UDEP" is conducted by Maestro Arturo Hernández since 1992. It has offered over 400 presentations. It is made by students of the specialties offered by the University of Piura (Peru). They start in the polyphonic singing, first postulating "Coral Universitaria", which has trained nearly a thousand young people in the... less