Bridgnorth Choral Society are delighted to announce and welcome the appointment of local musician Sally Barras as their new accompanist.
Originally from the South-east, Sally obtained a BMus(Hons) degree from Cardiff University before relocating to Bridgnorth, where she has found the inspiration to pursuee a carreer in music.
Sally takes on her role with a wealth of experience behind her and an already busy schedule. As well as giving private, piano, clarinet, saxaphone and flute lessons, she also accompanies other local singing groups including Oldbury Wells School vocal group 'Encore', who joined the Choral Society in their sell- out Christmas Concert last year, as well as playing with Bridgnorth Orchestra and local ensemble the 'Waifs and Staves'.
Sally's first public performance as Bridgnorth Choral Society's accompanist will be on Saturday 31st March when they present a programme of Easter Music including a performance of JH Maunder's Olivet to Calvary at Bridgnorth Baptist Church. Rehearsals are well underway and tickets are available for sale at £5. For further information telephone 01746 861079 or find Bridgnorth Choral Society on facebook.