Quid Retribuam Domino is a song of thanksgiving written in the language of Latin, which translates to "How Can I Repay the Lord". This video is a rendition by Friends of St. Val, a professional virtual choir community formed by Paschal St. Val Abugu.
South African composer Peter Klatzow's sublime Mag and Nunc. Sung by the Commotio Choir of Oxford, Director Matthew Berry, Henry Parks on Organ
Ottawa choir, The Stairwell Carollers, perform “ Underneath the Stars” by Kate Rusby. All our CDs benefit charities and are available on our website in both CD and MP3 formats. Get our professional recordings here... http://www.stairwellcarollers.com ... more
Performance by Jeugdkoor Waelrant Antwerp Conductor: Marleen De Boo
【夏夜、玫瑰、情】2007夏季演唱會 Conductor: Chia-Fen, Weng Composer: Eric Whitacre More information about composer and this song please visit: http://ericwhitacre.wordpress.com/2008/02/22/the-five-hebrew-love-songs/
Watch the London chamber choir Vasari Singers, directed by Jeremy Backhouse, perform "There is an old belief" from Hubert Parry's Songs of Farewell, live in concert. http://www.vasarisingers.org
London chamber choir Vasari Singers, directed by Jeremy Backhouse, perform the Rachmaninov Vespers. Filmed during a live concert performance at Lincoln Cathedral Chaper House, April 2014. On the web: http://www.vasarisingers.org On Facebook On Twit... more
London chamber choir Vasari Singers, directed by Jeremy Backhouse, perform the Rachmaninov Vespers. Filmed during a live concert performance at Lincoln Cathedral Chaper House, April 2014. On the web: http://www.vasarisingers.org On Facebook On Twit... more
About the KCKCC Vocal Jazz Program: The KCKCC Vocal Jazz Program takes pride in performing professional-level vocal jazz ensemble literature. Our program has grown to 3 vocal jazz ensembles. The music we perform represents a crossover of the jazz and pop... more
Missa in C "The Sparrow" KV220 Kyrie Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart April 23, 2016 Performance at Runnymede United Church, Toronto ON