6,230 results found
Ubi Caritas - Ola Gjeilo
Benedicamus Chante mengikuti Kompetisi 7th FESPA UBAYA 2022 Kategori Mixed Choir pada tanggal 27 Mei 2022 dan berhasil meraih Silver Medal
Lagu : Ubi Caritas - Ola Gjeilo
Europäischer Kammerchor, Köln
Europäischer Kammerchor Köln e.V.
Die Ursprünge des Europäischen Kammerchores liegen beim internationalen Chorleitungskurs in St. Moritz (Schweiz) im Jahre 2003. Seitdem treffen sich die engagierten Chorsängerinnen und -sänger aus Deutschland und den eu... moreEuropäischer Kammerchor Köln e.V.
Die Ursprünge des Europäischen Kammerchores liegen beim internationalen Chorleitungskurs in St. Moritz (Schweiz) im Jahre 2003. Seitdem treffen sich die engagierten Chorsängerinnen und -sänger aus Deutschland und den europäischen Nachbarstaaten mehrmals im Jahr in Köln zu konzentrierten Probenphasen, in denen anspruchsvolle Chorprogramme erarbeitet und dem Publikum vorgestellt werden. Dabei widmet sich der Chor immer wieder gern jenen Kleinodien des unbegleiteten Gesanges, die in Kirche und Konzertsaal seltener zu hören sind, ohne dabei die großen Werke vergangener Epochen außer Acht zu lassen. Entsprechend umfasst das Portfolio der Sängergemeinschaft beispielsweise neben nahezu vergessenen Perlen der romantischen A-cappella-Literatur auch mehrere Aufführungen der Bach‘schen Johannes-Passion, Uraufführungen von Michael Ostrzyga und Harald Weiß sowie zahlreiche Werke der neueren und neuesten Chormusik. Nicht zuletzt die Freude am Auskosten des Spannungsfeldes zwischen alter und... less
PZM Josip Kaplan - Radujte se narodi
Singing Radujte se narodi, a beautiful Croatian folksong arranged for SATB with piano accompaniment by Alen Mancic, a member of The Choir...
Leonard Bernstein: Somewhere
Choir: MePZ Štefana Kovača Murska Sobota
Zborovodja/Conductor: Tomi Bušinoski
Posneto v živo/live recording: stolna cerkev sv. Nikolaja, Murska Sobota, 24.5.2014
Don't stop me now (Queen) - Choriosity A-cappella-Pop-Chor Ulm
We LOVE good A-cappella music!
Choriosity is a community-based a-cappella-Choir in The YMCA (CVJM) Ulm. 120 singers aged 18 to (about ;) 30 dive into The diversity of sound, rhythms and a-cappella-feeling!
You wanna see/hear more?
Instagram: @chorios... moreWe LOVE good A-cappella music!
Choriosity is a community-based a-cappella-Choir in The YMCA (CVJM) Ulm. 120 singers aged 18 to (about ;) 30 dive into The diversity of sound, rhythms and a-cappella-feeling!
You wanna see/hear more?
Instagram: @choriosity
Snapchat, Twitter: @choriosity
M+T: Freddie Mercury (Queen)
Arr: Matthias Kost
Maurice Duruflé: Kyrie (Requiem)
A promotional video for our CD 'Requiem aeternam' (Stone Records), available from Amazon UK (, Amazon US ( and iTunes (
The Ch... moreA promotional video for our CD 'Requiem aeternam' (Stone Records), available from Amazon UK (, Amazon US ( and iTunes (
The Choir of Somerville College, Oxford
David Crown (conductor)
Stone Records:
'Back to The River St. John' by Janet Kidd
Cantores Celestes Women's Choir
LIVE in CONCERT May 4, 2019
Celebrating 30 years
Kelly Galbraith, Director
Kate Carver, Piano
Ryan Harper, recording engineer
Producer, Kelly Galbraith
Prairie Spring • Score Video
PRAIRIE SPRING by Greg Bartholomew
A setting for SAB Choir of The poem by Willa CaTher.
With optional piano accompaniment.
Recording by MatThew Curtis (Choral Tracks).
Willa CaTher (1873-1947) was an American writer best known for her novels of fron... morePRAIRIE SPRING by Greg Bartholomew
A setting for SAB Choir of The poem by Willa CaTher.
With optional piano accompaniment.
Recording by MatThew Curtis (Choral Tracks).
Willa CaTher (1873-1947) was an American writer best known for her novels of frontier life on The Great Plains. Prairie Spring was first published in 1913 as The prologue to The novel O Pioneers!
Sheet music is available from J. W. Pepper:
Evening and The flat land,
Rich and sombre and always silent;
The miles of fresh-plowed soil,
Heavy and black, full of strength and harshness;
The growing wheat, The growing weeds,
The toiling horses, The tired men;
The long empty roads,
Sullen fires of sunset, fading,
The eternal, unresponsive sky.
Against all this, Youth,
Flaming like The wild roses,
Singing like The larks over The plowed fields,
Flashing like a star out of The twilight;
Youth with its insupportable sweetness,
Its fierce necessity, Its shar... less
Sergey Khvoshchinsky - Ave Maria
Vocal composition for SATB Choir a cappella.
Performed by The Rose Ensemble, conducted by Jordan Sramek, at The Basilica of St. Mary in Minneapolis, MN in 2012.
Russian icons (Eleusa) from The 12th-20th centuries.
Second version from 2012.
A tu lado - Javier Busto (Sopran's Guide)
A tu lado - Javier Busto (Sopran's Guide)
Lyrics: Matías Antón Mena
Music Arr.: Javier Busto
An absolutely romantic text that a man writes to his wife as a declaration of love. The piece was written for The 50th anniversary of The Habaneras Contest in ... moreA tu lado - Javier Busto (Sopran's Guide)
Lyrics: Matías Antón Mena
Music Arr.: Javier Busto
An absolutely romantic text that a man writes to his wife as a declaration of love. The piece was written for The 50th anniversary of The Habaneras Contest in Torrevieja, Spain. The musical writing has nothing of a traditional habanera. The constant habanera rhythm is not present but must be felt as an internal rhythm. What I have included is The alternation of minor and major modes so typical of habaneras.
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