WORCESTER singers are hitting the Hallelujah trail for a post-Easter performance of a work more traditionally associated with Christmas. Worcester Cathedral Chamber Choir will perform Handel's Messiah at a time when city folk are finishing ...
What is becoming one of my most popular works for mixed choir. On iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ca/album/vancouver-cantata-singers-50/id438555202 Order Sheet Music: http://kristopherfulton.weebly.com/
8th Colors of Worship A Sacred Music Festival @ Church of the Risen Lord UP Diliman
The official college choir of UST- CRS.
[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir] Staring at a blank page waiting for the muse to strike. Slumped in a chair waiting to feel energised enough to go jogging. Feeling down and the last ...
Short Motet on the text Blessed are the dead who die in Christ, even so said the spirit for they rest from their labours, part of the Concert choir series from Spartan Press
This is a high school's choir from Rome, we are willing to share our experience and work with you all! This is our latest arrangement: https://youtu.be/gVMAJ66ewTY
German choir Kammerchor Vocalisti won the Fleischmann Trophy at this years' Cork International Choral Festival. This is one of the pieces they performed for the closing gala concert in City Hall.
La Cucaracha (Mexican traditional song) performed by MLADA choir Conductor: Olga Vyguzova Академический хор «Млада», Пермь Художественный руководитель: Ольга Выгузова (Заслуженный работник культуры РФ, Заслуженный деятель искусств РФ)