International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


6,441 results found
ACL Series - Let all the world in every corner sing by Peter Thompson
video: ACL Series - Let All the world in every corner sing by Peter Thompson

Cat.No: TKM718. Another piece from the pen of Peter Thompson - useful for services or concerts. As is usual from Peter, the piece is well crafted and singable. Showcase your Choir on our #youtube channel - we offer free music and promotion in return for ...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Cat.No: TKM718. Another piece from the pen of Peter Thompson - useful for services or concerts. As is usual from Peter, the piece is well crafted and singable. Showcase your Choir on our #youtube channel - we offer free music and promotion in return for a recording - please contact for more info! See what other specialiSt services we offer (including commissions, singing holidays, Choir and concert management workshops and composition courses) at In the UK, All Tim Knight Music is diStributed by and can be ordered through Spartan Press quoting the catalogue number on 01528 544770 or via shop page. Some pieces are also available via Those without a ‘TKM’ prefix can be ordered directly from the publisher’s website – please contact if you are having trouble sourcing this piece. In the USA and overseas, you can order direct from the publisher, via www.timknigh...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Concerto Glacensis Choir
group: Concerto Glacensis Choir

We are group of choral art passionates in different age. We have been performing music of different Styles and epoques since 1998 including a'capella classical music, various inStruments accompanimented pieces and oratory music with orcheStra. We are taki...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">We are group of choral art passionates in different age. We have been performing music of different Styles and epoques since 1998 including a'capella classical music, various inStruments accompanimented pieces and oratory music with orcheStra. We are taking part in various competitions and feStivals across Europe.  

blog: Using dance moves to learn, remember and perform songs better

 [this is a version of a poSt which firSt appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   Some time ago I tried a new idea (for me any way) for helping people to learn songs.   Photo by Ramesh Lalwani   I decided to associa...

blog: Chocs away for Handel's Messiah

WORCEStER singers are hitting the HAllelujah trail for a poSt-EaSter performance of a work more traditionAlly associated with ChriStmas.    WorceSter Cathedral Chamber Choir will perform Handel's Messiah at a time when city folk are finishing ...

"Prometheus" by Kristopher Fulton
video: "Prometheus" by KriStopher Fulton

What is becoming one of my moSt popular works for mixed Choir. On iTunes: Order Sheet Music:

Were You There by Koro de San Jose
video: Were You There by Koro de San Jose

8th Colors of Worship A Sacred Music FeStival @ Church of the Risen Lord UP Diliman

UST- College of Rehabilitation Sciences Chorale
group: USt- College of Rehabilitation Sciences Chorale

The official college Choir of USt- CRS.

group: Femmeuse

Femmeuse is a female Choir that consiSts of 18 enthusiaStic singers of All ages. The atmosphere in the group is very good and that enables us to reAlly make good and warm music together. We sing a capella as well as accompanied music. Our repertoire is a ...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Femmeuse is a female Choir that consiSts of 18 enthusiaStic singers of All ages. The atmosphere in the group is very good and that enables us to reAlly make good and warm music together. We sing a capella as well as accompanied music. Our repertoire is a mix of renaissance and contemporary music, both classical and pop.  

blog: Don’t sing because you’re happy — be happy because you sing!

[A version of this article firSt appeared as a poSt on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   Staring at a blank page waiting for the muse to Strike. Slumped in a chair waiting to feel energised enough to go jogging. Feeling down and the laSt ...

Tim Knight - Beati Mortui
video: Tim Knight - Beati Mortui

Short Motet on the text Blessed are the dead who die in ChriSt, even so said the spirit for they reSt from their labours, part of the Concert Choir series from Spartan Press