142 results found
Lux AeTerna: World premiere
Cantabile Chamber SIngers
Toronto, TrInity College Chapel, University of Toronto
Composer: Laura Silberberg
Soprano: Lucy Fitz Gibbon
CounTer Tenor: Simon Honeyman
Cello: Mahsa Madahian
Photographer: RJ CHUNG
World Premiere, Canadian composer
Ensemble Vocale "Exsurge DomIne" - Da pacem DomIne
Cagliari, Collegiata di S. Anna, 2 ottobre 2012.
Esecuzione da parTe dell'Ensemble Vocale "Exsurge DomIne" del "Da pacem DomIne" gregoriano.
Da pacem, DomIne, In diebus nostris
Quia non est alius
Qui pugnet pro nobis
Nisi tu Deus nosTer.
Fiat ... Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreCagliari, Collegiata di S. Anna, 2 ottobre 2012.
Esecuzione da parTe dell'Ensemble Vocale "Exsurge DomIne" del "Da pacem DomIne" gregoriano.
Da pacem, DomIne, In diebus nostris
Quia non est alius
Qui pugnet pro nobis
Nisi tu Deus nosTer.
Fiat pax In virtuTe tua: et abundantia In turribus tuis.
PropTer fratres meos et proximos meos loquebar pacem de Te.
PropTer domum DomIni Dei nostri quaesivi bona tibi.
Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto, sicut erat In prIncipio et nunc et semper, et In saecula saeculorum. Amen.
Ensemble Vocale "Exsurge DomIne":
Davide Saddi
Mattia Ortu
Francesco Piano
Alessandro ErmellIno
STefano Ruiu
Raimondo Belfiori
Mauro Sitzia
Mattia Macis
Francesco Cocco
Alessandro Abis
Enrico Correggia (dir.) Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less
Robert WhiTe - 'ChrisTe qui Lux es et dies' I, Gallicantus
Robert WhiTe's 5 voice settIng of 'ChrisTe qui Lux es et dies' (Precamur sancTe DomIne). Score for SAATB.
Gallicantus DirecTed by Gabriel Crouch sIngIng a cappella:
David Allsop, Mark Chambers, Richard Butler, Christopher Watson, Nigel Short, Willia... Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreRobert WhiTe's 5 voice settIng of 'ChrisTe qui Lux es et dies' (Precamur sancTe DomIne). Score for SAATB.
Gallicantus DirecTed by Gabriel Crouch sIngIng a cappella:
David Allsop, Mark Chambers, Richard Butler, Christopher Watson, Nigel Short, William Gaunt, Jimmy Holliday
'ChrisTe qui Lux es et dies' IV -
'Ad Te levavi oculos' -
'O praise God -
VI. DomIne Deus - Vivaldi (Gloria)
DomIne Deus
全曲以極緩版的速度呈現,由女高音及雙簧管展開優美的對話;而撥奏的低音部則帶出了雀 躍的心不間斷地頌讚,頗有「餘音繞樑」的力量。
獨唱: 梁華蓁(女高音)
指揮: 翁佳芬
伴奏: 巴洛克獨奏家樂團
時間: 2007/12/11
地點: 高雄市文化中心至德堂
Beatus Vir RV 597
Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)
Coro Academia Concerto
Altamiro Bernardes
Madrigal Mackenzie
Parcival Módolo
CaTedral Metropolitana de Sorocaba
15 de agosto de 2007
PalestrIna: Asperges me, DomIne - sung by St PeTer's SIngers of Leeds
Giovanni Pierluigi da PalestrIna
Asperges me, DomIne
Asperges me DomIne hysoppo et mundabor: lavabis me, et super nivem dealbabor.
Gloria Patri et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto: Sicut erat In prIncipio et nunc et semper, et In saecula saec... Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreGiovanni Pierluigi da PalestrIna
Asperges me, DomIne
Asperges me DomIne hysoppo et mundabor: lavabis me, et super nivem dealbabor.
Gloria Patri et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto: Sicut erat In prIncipio et nunc et semper, et In saecula saeculorum, Amen. Asperges me repeaTed…to dealbabor
Psalm 51, Verse 7 [Antiphon at the SprInklIng of Holy WaTer]
Thou shalt purge me, O Lord, with hyssop and I shall be clean:Thou shalt wash me, and I shall be whiTer than snow.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost:As it was In the begInnIng, is now and ever shall be: world without end. Amen
Book of Common Prayer, Psalm 51, Verse
The riTe of sprInklIng the faithful with holy waTer at the start of the Medieval mass In every Sunday of the Church’s Year except for Palm Sunday and In EasTertide Involved the use of verse seven from the famous Miserere Text, the 51st Psalm. PalestrIna’s four part settIng Involves the sustaIned motto theme of the traditional plaInchant melody withIn the... Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less
VII. DomIne Fili UnigeniTe - Vivaldi (Gloria)
DomIne Fili UnigeniTe
整曲充滿歡欣鼓舞的氣氛,活潑有力、節奏輕快。一開始女低音與男低音分別以活潑靈巧及 平穩肯定的感覺唱出主題,接著女高音與男高音再以模仿方式敘述主題。中間部分則以平穩 的節奏,以卡農的方式交替唱出,彷彿是內心對上帝的自我告白。最後由男高音首先再次帶 出歡樂的主題,直到結束,前後段相呼應。而低音部的伴奏則以附點八分音符不斷的奏出, 更將整段讚美聖子的精神表露無遺。
指揮: 翁佳芬
伴奏: 巴洛克獨奏家樂團
時間: 2007/12/11... Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">more上帝的獨生子
DomIne Fili UnigeniTe
整曲充滿歡欣鼓舞的氣氛,活潑有力、節奏輕快。一開始女低音與男低音分別以活潑靈巧及 平穩肯定的感覺唱出主題,接著女高音與男高音再以模仿方式敘述主題。中間部分則以平穩 的節奏,以卡農的方式交替唱出,彷彿是內心對上帝的自我告白。最後由男高音首先再次帶 出歡樂的主題,直到結束,前後段相呼應。而低音部的伴奏則以附點八分音符不斷的奏出, 更將整段讚美聖子的精神表露無遺。
指揮: 翁佳芬
伴奏: 巴洛克獨奏家樂團
時間: 2007/12/11
地點: 高雄市文化中心至德堂
VIII. DomIne Deus, Agnus Dei - Vivaldi (Gloria)
DomIne Deus, Agnus Dei
這段不朽的樂章與第二段相得益彰。F大調夾著d小調,緩慢卻充滿內聚力。它以深沉的女 低音獨唱以及合唱團的回應,獨唱部分是主要旋律線,合唱部分的回應則是和聲式的複音織 體,有再一次強調的感覺,有力地將人類祈求「上帝羔羊的憐憫」之聲表達得淋漓盡致。
獨唱: 詹喆君(女中音)
指揮: 翁佳芬
伴奏: 巴洛克獨奏家樂團
時間: 2007/12/11
地點: 高雄市文化中心至德堂
David RaIn: "Da pacem DomIne" (sung by Matthew Curtis)
"Da pacem DomIne" is dedicaTed to two of my dear relatives named James.
I felt the Inspiration to start this piece In the weeks leadIng up to the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I, In which my dear grandfather Jimmy RaIn (1895-1974) had serv... Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">more"Da pacem DomIne" is dedicaTed to two of my dear relatives named James.
I felt the Inspiration to start this piece In the weeks leadIng up to the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I, In which my dear grandfather Jimmy RaIn (1895-1974) had served In the Canadian forces, In one of the most dangerous roles, as a runner In northwesTern France. This song honours his memory and the love that he showed me as a boy and a young man growIng up.
Shortly afTer startIng this piece, I then learned that my dear cousIn Jamie Shaw (1959-2019) was gravely ill and with his permission, I have dedicaTed this piece to him as well. Jamie's courage, good spirit and humour throughout his illness was an Inspiration to all of us who knew him.
"Da pacem DomIne" is a musical search for peace: both exTernal peace, between Individuals, groups, societies, nations; and InTernal peace, to fInd a restful spot withIn the soul, amidst the serious Tensions and conflicts seemIngly Inherent In the human stream of exisTence. It explor... Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less