International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


285 results found
Con Te Partiro / Time To Say Goodbye
video: Con Te Partiro / time To Say Goodbye

County Town Singers perForm time to Say Goodbye in Italian at their May 7, 2010 concert at the CAW Hall, Oshawa, ON.

blog: Now the years are rolling by me, they are rocking evenly and I

This post was originally written For - I thought it might be of wider interest the time has come; some might say the time is long past, For us to decide what we are as a choir and how we move Forward. In many ways...

blog: When it comes to choirs and singing are you specialist or generalist?

[this is a version of a post which first appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   Last time I wrote about whether it’s better to be over-rehearsed or under-prepared. I talked about people who like to spend a long time working on on...

If Christ Had Been Born in Another Time Saturday Dec 3 2016
video: If Christ Had Been Born in Another time Saturday Dec 3 2016

"If Christ had been Born in Another time" by Matthew Orlovich. Saturday, December 3, 2016 Mayslake Peabody Estate, Oak Brook, IL

blog: Choirs Without a Conductor

Okay- so I've been a bit slack about blogging lately.  Not that I have been idol- there is so much to blog about but 24 hours in a day a full time job and more music than I can ever learn to play means there  isn't enough time!   In the l...

blog: Don’t try to help your fellow singers – it’s not your job!

[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   Many’s the time I see Ann lean over to Gill (not their real names) to help her get her part right. And every time I see a pained expression on ...

Until the End of Time - Tonal Ecstasy A Cappella (Justin Timberlake cover)
video: Until the End of time - Tonal Ecstasy A Cappella (Justin Timberlake cover)

Tonal Ecstasy presents: Feel Good Cafe Campus, Montreal Kevin Ah-Sen perForming his senior set: 'Until the End of time' by Justin Timberlake Arr. Ted Littlemore Videography: Legato Productions (

blog: Perfect presents For choral singers

[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir]It’s that time of year again when you still have time to to pop to the local garage For last-minute presents. What on earth can you get For the choral...

blog: A Child of Our time - orchestral copies

Hi - has anyone got access to a set of orchestra parts For Tippett's 'A Child of Our time'?  My choir is doing this at the end of April, 2018, but the orchetsra music is proving difficult to obtain.We're very happy to pay a reasonable hire charge plu...

blog: New ensemble: Spectrum Singers

  This has been a long time coming. For the past several years I’ve mused about Forming an interfaith vocal ensemble, but it never seemed to be the right time.   Now it is.   Feel free to join me. We already have rehearsal spac...