International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo

New ensemble: Spectrum Singers

  • spectrumflyer


    This has been a long time coming. For the past several years I’ve mused about forming an interfaith vocal ensemble, but it never seemed to be the right time.


    Now it is.


    Feel free to join me. We already have rehearsal space and a possible first gig in place. I’m combing through music and bubbling with ideas. But it’s time for me to step out of the vacuum and invite more people into the process.


    I’m out to help form a community.


    That’s the most beautiful thing about choirs; they are communities. They give us a place to make connections, where we can be part of something greater than ourselves. I want Spectrum Singers to be the exemplar of this in the Metro Detroit area.


    And artistically, I want it to break out of the box that is so typical of community choirs. This is not just one more ensemble singing the Messiah in December and the Mozart Requiem in April.

    We’re going to have real variety, diversity, and curiosity with the music. When we do sacred music, it’s going to represent a multitude of faiths and not just one. Secular and folk music will be multicultural. Not everything will fall neatly into the standard SATB voice parts; but regardless of anything, the sound will be vibrant and alive. When we do concerts, they’re going to be engaging, interactive, visual, and energetic. We can do hardcore classics as well as new pieces, and do it all with artistic excellence.


    I get goosebumps thinking about it. I’m so ready – let’s do this.

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