1,948 results found
Mom, dad, 4 kids... all singing, playing any instrument since 2005. Adore rich Vocal arrangements, especially in rock music. Perform with Beatles covers, Queen covers, all times rock covers and original songs.
Vox Uomini
O grupo Vocal masculino VOX UOMINI foi fundado em 2006 na cidade de Juiz de Fora com objetivo de promoção e divulgação do canto alpino ou de montanha, tradicional do norte da Itália.
Destaca-se em sua trajetória a participação em importantes eventos in... moreO grupo Vocal masculino VOX UOMINI foi fundado em 2006 na cidade de Juiz de Fora com objetivo de promoção e divulgação do canto alpino ou de montanha, tradicional do norte da Itália.
Destaca-se em sua trajetória a participação em importantes eventos internacionais, como, em 2007, o 7ª Festival Internazionale dei Cori em Clusone, Província de Bergamo, na Lombardia, na Itália, com apresentações na Chiesa Parrocchiale de Rovetta e no Chiostro dell'Abbazia de Pontida e o XV Festival Internacional de Corais de Criciúma em Santa Catarina. Em 2008 participou do 1º Encuentro Coral del Mercosur “Purahei Joja” (Cantar Unidos), com apresentações na Argentina, Paraguai e Brasil e do VIII Canta Brasil, em São Lourenço. Em 2012 se apresentou no XIV Festival Internacional de Coros, no Peru. Em 2017 participou do 15º FIC – Festival Internacional de Corais em Belo Horizonte/MG, com apresentações na Igreja da Boa Viagem e Mosteiro de Nossa Senhora das Graças, em Belo Horizonte; Casa da Ópera, em Ouro Preto e Ermida de NS da Pi... less
Collegium Singers
Collegium Singers was established in 1994 by a group of singers in Somerset who enjoy performing music specifically suited to a small chamber choir. We have developed a reputation for excellent performance of interesting and challenging programmes for sin... moreCollegium Singers was established in 1994 by a group of singers in Somerset who enjoy performing music specifically suited to a small chamber choir. We have developed a reputation for excellent performance of interesting and challenging programmes for singers, players and audiences alike. Repertoire spans Vocal works from the eleventh century to the present day including several Baroque present-day premières, with musicians drawn from recognised professional period ensembles.
The Hallel Choir Ghana
The Hallel Choir is a non denominational group with the zeal to propagate the gospel through good music. We are based in Techiman in Brong Ahafo region.
Collegium Vocale HARMONIA MUNDI
The Collegium Vocale HARMONIA MUNDI it has been born in September 1999. End dall' beginning of its activity, the group has realized many concerts that have obtained appreciations and consents of public and critic. In December 2001 the Collegium Vowel e' s... moreThe Collegium Vocale HARMONIA MUNDI it has been born in September 1999. End dall' beginning of its activity, the group has realized many concerts that have obtained appreciations and consents of public and critic. In December 2001 the Collegium Vowel e' state invited express from the International Foundation Giovanni Pierluigi from Palestrina, to hold Concerts in Rome and the Cathedral Church of Palestrina where the " PRINCEPS MUSICAE" he was Master of Nail head. In the 2003 è' chosen state in order to participate to two Masterclass held in the July to Varese and November to Florence with sestetto the more famous English vowel the world, “The King' s Singers”, deepening with Stephen Connolly, David Hurley and Paul Phoenix, techniques of interpretation, dizione and of Vocalità. From september 2006, the Collegium Harmonia Mundi Vowel has assumed l' it puts into effect them connotation: it is constituted from seven elements, which have undertaken a formative distance technical-vowel of “professional” type... less
Tonal Ecstasy A Cappella
Tonal Ecstasy A Cappella, affectionately nicknamed TX, is McGill University's oldest A Cappella group. As one of the university's finest Vocal groups, they pride themselves on their versatility. This group of amazing, talented and hardworking people arran... moreTonal Ecstasy A Cappella, affectionately nicknamed TX, is McGill University's oldest A Cappella group. As one of the university's finest Vocal groups, they pride themselves on their versatility. This group of amazing, talented and hardworking people arrange and perform music from all different genres, ranging from jazz, hip hop, R&B, and pop. They perform at benefit events and fundraisers, private functions, celebrations, bookstores, on the streets... just about anywhere people will let them sing!
*For more information about the group, contact us at less
MUSE - Cincinnati's Women's Choir sing Bread & Roses
MUSE - Cincinnati's Women's Choir sings "We All Sang Bread and Roses" by Mimi Farina at their International Women's Day Concert on March 2, 2013. Introduction by Angie Denov, Catherine Roma, Diana Porter and Rhonda Whitten. St. Monica - St. George Parish ... moreMUSE - Cincinnati's Women's Choir sings "We All Sang Bread and Roses" by Mimi Farina at their International Women's Day Concert on March 2, 2013. Introduction by Angie Denov, Catherine Roma, Diana Porter and Rhonda Whitten. St. Monica - St. George Parish Newman Center. Shot on Ursula Roma's iPhone.
DepEd Lapu-Lapu City Chorale
A group of teachers with exceptional talents, with 28 members that can bring you to a experience where classical and show presentations is present. We believe that music touches us emotionally where, words alone cant.