Mistango Choir Festival

Tonal Ecstasy A Cappella

  • About Us: Tonal Ecstasy A Cappella, affectionately nicknamed TX, is McGill University's oldest A Cappella group. As one of the university's finest vocal groups, they pride themselves on their versatility. This group of amazing, talented and hardworking people arran...  more
  • Additional names: TX Acappella
  • Location: 527 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, Quebec, Canada  [map]
  • Since: 1998
  • Voices: Mixed
  • Choir type: University choir
  • Genres: Jazz, Pop/Rock, A cappella, R&B, , Soul, Indie
  • Website www.tonalecstasy.com
  • Open to new singers: Yes - auditions required
2,458 views - added May 28, 2013 - admin of this choir page is Tonal Ecstasy A Cappella