International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


988 results found
Mravalžamier (Republic of Georgia)
video: Mravalžamier (Republic of Georgia)

“Mravalžamier” is the name of a large number of rural and urban table Songs from the Republic of Georgia. It means Many happy returns. May God give you long life. Literally: years and epochs of happiness to you. They are sung at feasts or supras as they a...  more

CARMINA SLOVENICA Toxic Psalms / The scent of ancestors
video: CARMINA SLOVENICA Toxic Psalms / The scent of ancestors

Choregie project by Karmina Šilec Performed by Vocal Thatre Carmina Slovenica The shaman idea is at the centre of the project: everyone and everything that man creates can be turned against him if used without respect for life. To have control over s...  more

Halifax Choral Society
group: Halifax Choral Society

Its members may be amateurs from many walks of life but they pride themselves on professional singing. Throughout its long history, the Choir has performed almost every major choral work in the repertoire. The Halifax Choral Society has always aimed...  more

Predica (Ženska vokalna skupina Lipa)
video: Predica (Ženska vokalna skupina Lipa)

Live concert in Kranj, on 2.2.2013. Song is writen by G.Ipavec, slovenian composer. And arrange by R.Gobec. Soprano: Irma Hostnik, Hana Hribar, Katja Kotar Odlazek, Anita Medvešek Alto: Eva Dobravec, Zala Pavšič, Špela Pavlič Kos, Urša Poglajen and M...  more

Moldau song (Canzone della Moldava) by Bertolt Brecht, Cantoria Sine Nomine
video: Moldau Song (Canzone della Moldava) by Bertolt Brecht, Cantoria Sine Nomine

Live 2009, Trento, Teatro Cuminetti Tratto dallo spettacolo "Il pioppo nella neve", regia di Elena Galvani e Jacopo Laurino. Musiche originali di B. Brecht, K. Weil, H. Heisler Arrangiamenti di Roberto Di Marino e Dario Tosolini

EnChor Chamber Choir
group: EnChor Chamber Choir

EnChor Chamber Choir is a dedicated group of individuals whose distinct talents combine “In Chorus”, bringing to life a vast array of musical works. EnChor began singing together in the fall of 2005. We are an auditioned group of approximately 32 singe...  more

Christmas Party - Medley of 3 Christmas Song
video: Christmas Party - Medley of 3 Christmas Song

Christmas Party is a medley of 3 Christmas Songs arranged by Otniel SimangunSong. The three Christmas Songs often heard by ordinary people are The First Noel, Jingle Bells, and Santa Claus is Comin' To Town. Otniel does not only combine the three Songs i...  more

The Bradford Chorale
group: The Bradford Chorale

The Bradford Chorale is a leading Bradford choir. It started life as The James Ashworth Singers giving its first concert in Thornton Parish Church in April 1976. After some years the base moved to the Unitarian Church near St Luke’s Hospital to be more ce...  more

Arundelair Chorus
group: Arundelair Chorus

The Arundelair Chorus comprises women who gather weekly to sing a cappella music in the barbershop style. From many walks of life, we all share our love of music. We are a chapter of Sweet Adelines International in Region #19, and invite women of all ages...  more