Te Deum Chamber Choir www.te-deum.org Sora Park, pianist Live performance, October 20, 2019 Village Presbyterian Church, Prairie Village, Kansas Sopranos: Lucy Conklin, Katherine Dick, Rupal Gupta, Nicole Murray, Victoria Olson, Sydney Seratte... more
Illiana Fall Concert selection from October 28, 2008 featuring the A Cappella Choir singing "Hear My Prayer" by Moses Hogan. It was directed by Mrs. Erin Lanenga.
Cantores Celestes Women's Choir Kelly Galbraith, Director Ellen Meyer, Pianist www.cantorescelestes.com http://www.facebook.com/CantoresCelestes http://www.youtube.com/user/cantoresc... http://twitter.com/Cantores_Choir
Kantorei performs "Sure on This Shining Night" by composer Morten Lauridsen. Recorded live at Augustana Lutheran Church, Denver, CO. October, 2011.
A part of the choir's winning performance at 43rd Croatian Choral Assembly held in October 2010 in Novigrad.
In memory of choir member Cyril Frazer who sadly passed away on 2nd October 2016 Epsom Male Voice Choir started their weekly choir practice by singing Finlandia
Slovenska ljudska pesem iz Zagorice v Dobrepolju/ Slovenian folk Song from Zagorica in Dobrepolje arrangement: Andrej Makor 1. sopran: Manca Simonič 2. sopran: Mirjam Strmole 1. alt: Ana Plemenitaš 2. alt: Višnja Fičor Artistic leader: Ana Erčulj ... more
ALBION - Underground Venue: Peak Cavern (Devil's Arse), Peak Cavern Rd, Castleton, Hope Valley, , S33 8WS Dates: 24 October 2014 Price: £15 Website Uploaded by: artcab ALBION UNDERGROUND – Fri...
Te Deum Chamber Choir www.te-deum.org Matthew Christopher Shepard, conductor Sora Park, pianist Live performance, October 20, 2019 Village Presbyterian Church, Prairie Village, Kansas Sopranos: Lucy Conklin, Katherine Dick, Rupal Gupta, Nico... more
Recorded on December 21, 2017, at the Church of St. Francis in Split. www.facebook.com/m.marulic.choir m.marulic_choir@yahoo.com recording and production: Bernard Kahle www.facebook.com/BKrecordings b.kahle@yahoo.com