University of Utah Chamber Choir, under the direction of Dr. Barlow Bradford performing "White Birds" on their 2013 Spring Concert in the Libby Gardner Concert Hall.
Hopkins High School Concert Choir Philip Brown, conductor - - - May 28, 2015 (World Premiere!) Hopkins, Minnesota - - - Music by Sydney Guillaume Text by Martine Joseph & Sydney Guillaume - - - - - -
We Are Young as recorded on our campus in 2012 - music and lyrics by Fun. Video & Production by: Unreel Pictures
Enjoy the glorious sounds of one of Melbourne's fineSt community choirs singing many of the greateSt love songs by U2, Elton John, Sting, Queen, Whitney HouSton, Fleetwood Mac, Leo Sayer, Rodgers & HammerStein and more! Seasons of Love Sunday 14...
May 9, 2015 SoloiSt: Adrian Pecold
Singing Circle of Life from the motion picture Lion King, live on the show Do posljednjeg zbora (Croatian version of the Battle of the Choirs)...
Chicago a cappella performs "Save Me" by Robert L. Morris at their Concert "Roll, Jordan, Roll: The Spiritual, Old and New" on Feb. 6, 2010, at Wentz Concert Hall in Naperville, IL. The soprano soloiSt is Cari Plachy.
2012十週年音樂會 高雄市文化中心至德堂 2012-11-16 指揮: 翁佳芬 伴奏: 許溎芳 詞:谷川俊太郎 曲:松下耕 譯詞:蔡昱姍 松下耕(Ko Matsushita, 1962-)是日本現代活躍的作曲家及合唱指揮,〈當歌聲響起〉(そのひとがうたうとき)是1998年受兵庫縣芦屋高校合唱團委託所寫,歌詞作者谷川俊太郎(Shuntaro Tanikawa, 1931-)是日本家喻戶曉的詩人,松下耕常以其詩詞入曲。歌聲,是合唱團員的攻無不克武器,用來建造和平互信的人間天堂,作者期... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">2012十週年音樂會 高雄市文化中心至德堂 2012-11-16 指揮: 翁佳芬 伴奏: 許溎芳 詞:谷川俊太郎 曲:松下耕 譯詞:蔡昱姍 松下耕(Ko Matsushita, 1962-)是日本現代活躍的作曲家及合唱指揮,〈當歌聲響起〉(そのひとがうたうとき)是1998年受兵庫縣芦屋高校合唱團委託所寫,歌詞作者谷川俊太郎(Shuntaro Tanikawa, 1931-)是日本家喻戶曉的詩人,松下耕常以其詩詞入曲。歌聲,是合唱團員的攻無不克武器,用來建造和平互信的人間天堂,作者期待此曲能譯成各國語言,更深入人心,中文版歌詞在2004年由青年編曲家蔡昱姍翻譯,搭配穿梭在合唱和鋼琴之間的悠揚主旋律,慢快慢三段音樂,陳述了歌聲無遠弗屆的力量。 【歌詞】 當歌聲響起的時候,美妙的旋律從遠方傳來 那歌聲輕輕悄悄進入孤獨老人年少的回憶裡 那歌聲輕輕柔柔安慰著亙古以前徬徨無助的靈魂 在人們爭鬥紛擾的心和心之間,聽見歌聲傳來 歌聲從更遠更遠的地方傳過來,從古老神祕的大海傳來 從遙遠的、寧靜的雪白世界傳來,當歌聲響起的時候 已被遺忘的祈禱中,美妙的旋律從遠方傳來 聽啊,那聲音,像一個源源不絕的深深水井 聽啊,那聲音,展開雙手緊緊抱住無知的罪人 聲音的雙腳用力擊打大地 她的雙眼充滿渴望尋找失喪的靈魂 她的雙耳聽見美妙的聲音 小小嬰孩在母腹中興奮雀躍的迎接新世界 在黑夜凝視中,陌生小孩,他的臉上掛著無助眼淚 世上所有安慰都無法滿足他心靈,他在尋求一個不變永恆答案 歌聲穿越國與國的界限,征服沙漠 融化人們頑固心靈,讓彼此的仇恨化作和平 向著未來美麗的世界傳達祥和慈愛 當歌聲響起的時候,帶來和平新希望 當歌聲響起,那美妙旋律為人們帶來和平 當歌聲響起,那美妙旋律帶給全世界新希望 Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
Clearly Vocal is a five-member a cappella vocal group from Tyler, Texas, performing a wide range of musical genres, including jazz, pop, holiday, love songs, classical, secular and sacred. We provide music for all occasions, such as private parties, corpo... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Clearly Vocal is a five-member a cappella vocal group from Tyler, Texas, performing a wide range of musical genres, including jazz, pop, holiday, love songs, classical, secular and sacred. We provide music for all occasions, such as private parties, corporate functions, weddings, birthdays, etc., with a varied repertoire in the Style of The Manhattan Transfer, New York Voices, The Real Group, Singers Unlimited, The Swingle Singers, Take Six and others. Clearly Vocal was selected as one of seven groups to compete in the 2010 Rocky Mountain Harmony SweepStakes in Denver, Colorado. As winners of the 2010 Contemporary A Cappella League Showcase, Clearly Vocal was a featured group at the SoJam A Cappella FeStival in Durham, North Carolina, November 12 & 13, 2010. Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
Gaudeamus Choir Brno - 20th Anniversary Concert, choirmaSters: Alexander Vatsek, Stepan Policer, Dasa Karasova, Martina Kirova