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HomeChoir's Folk Monday: enjoy folk and fun with HomeChoir!
Join Ben every other Monday at 11am GMT to learn and sing along with folk favourites, from sea shanties to traditional folk songs from around the world, there is something for everyone. We learn a new piece each session and sing along with old favourites.
The Voices Duisburg
Wir sind ein Chor für Kinder (4-8 Jahre), Jugendliche (9-14) und Erwachsene (ab 15), die in 3 Gruppen unterteilt sind. Die Mini-Voices, die Maxi-Voices und The Voices. Wir kommen aus Duisburg und proben jeden Donnerstag im Gemeindehaus Beim Knevelshof in ... moreWir sind ein Chor für Kinder (4-8 Jahre), Jugendliche (9-14) und Erwachsene (ab 15), die in 3 Gruppen unterteilt sind. Die Mini-Voices, die Maxi-Voices und The Voices. Wir kommen aus Duisburg und proben jeden Donnerstag im Gemeindehaus Beim Knevelshof in DU-Wanheimerort (Minis 17:15, Maxis 18:15, Voices 19:15). Da wir immer neue Mitglieder suchen, seid ihr herzlich willkommen, bei einer Probe dabei zu sein und kräftig mitzusingen. :-)
The Voices is a Choir for children (from 4-8), teenagers (from 9-14) and adults, separated in 3 different groups, called Mini-Voices, Maxi-Voices and The Voices. We are from Duisburg in the west of Germany and practice every thursday. We are always looking for new members, so feel free to contact us. :-) less
Amazonia Vocal Ensemble
Amazonia Vocal Ensemble is dedicated to the performance and preservation of Latin American choral music.
Come experience the joy of Latin American music through choral singing!
Amazonia Vocal Ensemble was founded in 2007 by Dr. Cristian Grases, and ... moreAmazonia Vocal Ensemble is dedicated to the performance and preservation of Latin American choral music.
Come experience the joy of Latin American music through choral singing!
Amazonia Vocal Ensemble was founded in 2007 by Dr. Cristian Grases, and debuted on Nov. 30 of that year at St. Dominic Catholic Church in Miami. The ensemble rehearses weekly and is comprised of volunteer musicians, both professional and amateur.
The ensemble has performed throughout Miami-Dade and Broward counties, as well in Naples in 2009 & 2012, Puerto Rico in 2010, and most recently in Washington DC in 2015.
The repertoire performed by Amazonia Vocal Ensemble is typically in Spanish but also in other American languages and original dialects such us Portuguese (Brazil), Papiamento (Aruba-Curazao), Quechua (Perú) and Chiquitano (Bolivia) among others. less
Ateneo de Manila College Glee Club
The Ateneo de Manila College Glee Club (ACGC) has distinguished itself as the oldest university chorale in the Philippines. Tracing its beginnings to the year 1921, the ACGC was formed to answer the need for liturgical music in San Ignacio Church, in Mani... moreThe Ateneo de Manila College Glee Club (ACGC) has distinguished itself as the oldest university chorale in the Philippines. Tracing its beginnings to the year 1921, the ACGC was formed to answer the need for liturgical music in San Ignacio Church, in Manila. The Choir has then pioneered many firsts as a Filipino chorale group and student organization. Locally, they have triumphed in numerous competitions, including the National Music Competitions for Young Artists (NAMCYA). The ACGC has then on proudly carried the name of the Philippines during their International Tours in Europe, Asia, and North America.
Since 2002, Professor Maria Lourdes V. Hermo leads the ACGC as the group’s first female conductor. Under her baton, the group has released two commercial recordings. In 2006, the group participated in numerous European competitions, where they swept all prizes in Miltenberg, Germany and garnered high awards in Arezzo, Italy. Professor Hermo also led the group’s successful Journey to the Cross Tour of Guam i... less
NARVAL CANTA..."ARROZ CON LECHE" (Fuga de Carlos Guastavino)
El Grupo Narval (Madrid, España) interpreta durante su concierto de Junio de 2009 la fuga que el compositor argentino Carlos Guastavino compuso a partir de la melodía de una canción popular infantil. Polifonía de construcción clásica, armonías del siglo X... moreEl Grupo Narval (Madrid, España) interpreta durante su concierto de Junio de 2009 la fuga que el compositor argentino Carlos Guastavino compuso a partir de la melodía de una canción popular infantil. Polifonía de construcción clásica, armonías del siglo XX y una atmósfera sonora delicada y expresiva, en un marco especial: la iglesia más antigua que se conserva en Madrid (San Nicolás), junto a la Calle Mayor de la ciudad.
Kammerchor Manila
Kammerchor Manila (KM) is a church-based, self-supporting organization composed of passionate and active young professionals serving at the Hearts of Jesus and Mary Parish in West Triangle, Quezon City at the 11:00am Eucharistic Celebration every 2nd and ... moreKammerchor Manila (KM) is a church-based, self-supporting organization composed of passionate and active young professionals serving at the Hearts of Jesus and Mary Parish in West Triangle, Quezon City at the 11:00am Eucharistic Celebration every 2nd and 3rd Sunday of the month.
KM also sings at the 7:00pm anticipated Sunday service at the Chapel of the Eucharistic Lord, SM Megamall every 1st Saturday of the month and at the 11:00am mass at the Chapel of Wack Wack Golf and Country Club, Mandaluyong City every 1st Sunday of the month, and at the Immaculate Concepcion Cathedral every 4th Sunday of the month
From its humble beginnings in 1992, Kammerchor Manila (KM) has evolved to become one of the Philippines’ premier chamber Choir today by sharing its long tradition of excellent choral music as a commitment of service to God. Through the years, its membership grew by accommodating people from all walks of life who wishes to share their talent and expertise while strengthening their ties with God.
With a ... less
Coro Lux Dei
El Coro Lux Dei es un grupo musical innovador que busca amenizar eventos de índole religiosa sin perder de vista el objetivo principal de nuestra actividad.
El Coro Lux Dei nació el día 8 de abril del año 2012 bajo la dirección de Alfonso Ortega Mantecó... moreEl Coro Lux Dei es un grupo musical innovador que busca amenizar eventos de índole religiosa sin perder de vista el objetivo principal de nuestra actividad.
El Coro Lux Dei nació el día 8 de abril del año 2012 bajo la dirección de Alfonso Ortega Mantecón en la Parroquia Santa Rita de Casia ubicada en la Ciudad de México, D.F. Surge debido a la inquietud de formar un coro religioso en el que se buscara innovar y ser diferentes a lo tradicional en este ámbito sin llegar a apartarse del objetivo primordial que es acercar a los fieles a la Eucaristía a través de los cantos. Tras el debut del Coro Lux Dei en abril el grupo siguió creciendo en número de integrantes como en calidad vocal e instrumental. El primer gran evento que fue encomendado al grupo fue la animación del tradicional rosario con motivo a la fiesta patronal el día 22 de mayo del mismo año. Posteriormente el Coro Lux Dei fue seleccionado a nivel decanal para cantar durante las clausuras del Retiro Kerigmático Decanal cada mes en distintas parroquias ... less