6,895 results found
Cantate Guam
Cantate begun as a community chorale in 2001 with a mission to provide high quality music education, experience and opportunity to the island of Guam.
Highlights of recent seasons include highlights from the 80′s rock musical ‘Chess,’ ’Messiah’, by G.... moreCantate begun as a community chorale in 2001 with a mission to provide high quality music education, experience and opportunity to the island of Guam.
Highlights of recent seasons include highlights from the 80′s rock musical ‘Chess,’ ’Messiah’, by G.F. Handel, Gloria, by Vivaldi, the Durufle Requiem, the Pope Marcellus Mass by Palestrina, Magnificat by J.S. Bach and Morten Lauridsen’s Lux Aeterna. During the summer, Cantate presents the Pacific Summer Music Festival which hosts guest musicians such as the nation’s most beloved choral conductor, Dr. Weston Noble, concert pianists, Itay Goren and Frank Pavese and the Grammy-nominated string ensemble, Quartet San Francisco. The chorale also performs during special occasions with the Guam Territorial Band led by alumnus, Maximo Ronquillo Jr. less
Sing for Your Heart
A Singing Group for Cardiac Friends
"You can forget your troubles, you live in the moment and enjoy the singing – beautiful!" – J
Singing is a gentle form of cardio-vascular exercise
with many wellbeing bene... moreHeartSong
Sing for Your Heart
A Singing Group for Cardiac Friends
"You can forget your troubles, you live in the moment and enjoy the singing – beautiful!" – J
Singing is a gentle form of cardio-vascular exercise
with many wellbeing benefits:
Encourages deeper breathing – promoting respiratory health
Releases stress – potentially lowering blood pressure
Lifts the spirits – releasing happy hormones
Brings us together – in a creative activity
Boosts memory skills – it’s brain gym
Can be Seriously Good Fun!
Sessions include gentle warm up exercises and
singing of songs from around the world
All taught by ear – no previous musical ability required.
Open to all cardiac patients, their friends and family.
Lead by experienced singing facilitator
Katie Rose
It doesn’t really matter how you sing, you sing for the enjoyment and the fun of it and you feel safe - D
Join us for Happy Healthy Harmonies
Sessions take place bi-monthly
Holwell Village Hall
Pirton Road, Holwell, Hitc... less
DepEd Lapu-Lapu City Chorale
A group of teachers with exceptional talents, with 28 members that can bring you to a experience where classical and show presentations is present. We believe that music touches us emotionally where, words alone cant.
The Jerusalem A-Cappella Singers
Jerusalem A-Cappella Singers, an ensemble of 25 singers, specializes in music of the renaissance and the Baroque, as well as modern pieces, with emphasis on original and unique repertoire.
The Ensemble performs in some of the most important music fes... moreJerusalem A-Cappella Singers, an ensemble of 25 singers, specializes in music of the renaissance and the Baroque, as well as modern pieces, with emphasis on original and unique repertoire.
The Ensemble performs in some of the most important music festivals in Israel, and has won first prize and a gold medal in the International Liturgic Music Competition for Choirs 1996, sponsored by the Vatican. On 2001 Jerusalem A-Cappella Singers performed a world premier in Jerusalem and Italy of a Mass in Arabic by father Armando Pieruchi and in 2009 they were invited to take part in a special project for Christmas which was produced and filmed in Jerusalem by the BBC and forecasted later in England.
Among the ensemble's programs: "Best of British", "Magical Voices of the Baltic Sea", "Bach and African Mass", "Balkan Liturgy" and "Festa Italiana" - the music of Italy with rare pieces from S... less
Umi Kulsum
kita ada kita beda karna kita bisa
sebuah unit kegiatan mahasiswa yang berkembang dalam bidang paduan suara yang bernaung di Universitas Islam Kadiri - Kediri.
Schola Cantorum on Hudson
Schola Cantorum on Hudson was founded as a choral ensemble in 1995, and performs its full concert season in both Manhattan and New Jersey. We believe that music can positively impact and enrich lives. Our performances reflect this belief in their use of... moreSchola Cantorum on Hudson was founded as a choral ensemble in 1995, and performs its full concert season in both Manhattan and New Jersey. We believe that music can positively impact and enrich lives. Our performances reflect this belief in their use of such seasonal themes as ‘freedom’ and ‘healing’ and ‘our mother earth;’ and in presentation of mostly new music in a way that is accessible. Our educational programs reflect this belief by training emerging professionals, planting seeds within young people for a lifetime of music involvement, and growing the skills of our own members. Our commitment to new choral music reflects this belief even beyond our substantial performance commitment through Project Encore™ and our Featured Composer Program. Substantially more than a singing group, SCH is unique in many respects that reflects both a breadth and a depth that bespeaks the full meaning of a ‘schola’ (‘school’).
Acastella: Stellenbosch students (and students at heart) singing Acapella. We are a group of like-minded young people who have come together to express life in all its wonderful facets through vocal music!
We are students. We are friends. We all study ... moreAcastella: Stellenbosch students (and students at heart) singing Acapella. We are a group of like-minded young people who have come together to express life in all its wonderful facets through vocal music!
We are students. We are friends. We all study at Stellenbosch University and believe in the power of music to uplift, entertain and educate. We aim to share our voices and talent with all who will listen!
Any person acquainted with student culture understands the important role of music and singing in the life of a young person. Acastella is a platform for young adults studying at Stellenbosch University to practice their love of singing.
Unfortunately the members got spread across the vast world and thus decided to stop Acastella at the end of 2013. less
Popkoor 0183
Popkoor 0183 bestaat sinds 2000. Met onze vijf stempartijen brengen wij een divers repertoire, gouwe ouwe popsongs, 80’ and 90’ hits en nummers van nu.
Oprichter en dirigent Michel de Valk arrangeert onze nummers in vijf stempartijen, bas, tenor, alt... morePopkoor 0183 bestaat sinds 2000. Met onze vijf stempartijen brengen wij een divers repertoire, gouwe ouwe popsongs, 80’ and 90’ hits en nummers van nu.
Oprichter en dirigent Michel de Valk arrangeert onze nummers in vijf stempartijen, bas, tenor, alt, hoge en lage sopraan. Toetsenist Leo Gerritse maakt onze begeleidingen, assisteert bij de repetities en speelt met ons mee tijdens optredens.
Elke maandagavond repeteren wij in het dorpshuis in Spijk. Van 20.00-22.00 uur oefenen we nieuwe nummers, herhalen we oudere nummers en werken we aan onze uitstraling en beweging. less
"Polichronion" ansamble sacred orthodox music
Вокальный ансамбль духовной музыки "Полихронион" был создан в 2010 году при православном храме св.Спиридона Тримифунтского.,г.Одесса Украина.
В составе хора от 8 до 11 человек, до сентября 2018 года хор принимал непосредственное участи... moreВокальный ансамбль духовной музыки "Полихронион" был создан в 2010 году при православном храме св.Спиридона Тримифунтского.,г.Одесса Украина.
В составе хора от 8 до 11 человек, до сентября 2018 года хор принимал непосредственное участие в богослужениях в данном храме, однако теперь существует как коллектив единомышленников.
Коллектив неоднократно принимал участие в конкурсах и фестивалях православной и духовной музыки, где всегда получал призовые места и награды.
Фестиваль"Пресвятая Богородица- Достойно есть"г.Поморие( Болгария), "Гайновские дни музыки церковной"Гайновка(Польша), ""Від Різдва до Різдва" Днепр( Украина),"Пентикостия"Киев(Украина),"Коложский благовест"Гродно (Беларусь).