About Us: Coral Antiphona was created in 1995 by Mtro. Juan Belmonte, former conductor of the Orquesta Sinfónica del Zulia, in Venezuela, with the purpose of having a stable group for the symphonic choral repertoire. In the present time, Antiphona acts as an nonpro... moreCoral Antiphona was created in 1995 by Mtro. Juan Belmonte, former conductor of the Orquesta Sinfónica del Zulia, in Venezuela, with the purpose of having a stable group for the symphonic choral repertoire. In the present time, Antiphona acts as an nonprofit civil association of culture promotion. The choir has been conducted by Mtro. Juan Carlos Bersague from 1995 to 2008. From 2010, Antiphona Titular Conductor is Mtro. César Alejandro Carrillo.
In its curricular path, Antiphona has performed in several scenarios in Bulgaria, Colombia, Cuba, France, Hungary, Italy, Mexico, Spain and Venezuela.
I Concurso de Coros "Luis Soto Villalobos" / Maracaibo, Venezuela 1999. [First Prize]
III Competencia de Coros de Mérida / Mérida, Venezuela 2002. [First Prize in Polyphony & Second Prize in Folklore categories].
XXXVII Certamen Internacional de Masas Corales / Tolosa, Spain 2005.
XXIV Festival-Certamen Internacional de Música de Cantonigròs / Cantonigròs, Spain. 2006. [First Prize in the Mixed Choirs Category & First Prize in the Popular Music Category].
LII Certamen Internacional de Habaneras y Polifonía / Torrevieja, Spain 2006. [Third Prize in Habaneras Category & "Francisco Vallejos" Prize, for the best interpretation of a popular habanera].
LV Concorso Polifonico Internazionale Guido d'Arezzo / Arezzo, Italy 2007. [Third Prize in the Polyphony Category].
XXXVII Florilège Vocal de Tours / Tours, France 2008.
XXXI Международен майски хоров конкурс "Проф. Г. Димитров" (International May Choir Competition Prof. G. Dimitrov) / Varna, Bulgaria 2009. [First Prize in Chamber Choirs Category].
XXIV Bartók Béla Nemzetközi Kórusverseny (Béla Bartók International Choir Competition) / Debrecen, Hungary 2010. [Third Prize in Chamber Choirs Category]. less
Location: Colegio de Abogados del Estado Zulia, Venezuela, Zulia, Venezuela  [map]
1,855 views - added October 10, 2011 - admin of this choir page is Guillermo Nava
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