2,778 results found
Sweelinck 'Hodie Christus natus est', sung by St Peter's Singers of Leeds
Hodie Christus natus est
Hodie Salvator apparuit:
Hodie in terra canunt Angeli,
Lætantur Archangeli:
Hodie exsultant justi, dicentes:
Gloria in excelsis Deo,
Alleluia! Noe! Noe!
Today Christ is born:
Today the Saviour appears:
T... moreHodie Christus natus est
Hodie Salvator apparuit:
Hodie in terra canunt Angeli,
Lætantur Archangeli:
Hodie exsultant justi, dicentes:
Gloria in excelsis Deo,
Alleluia! Noe! Noe!
Today Christ is born:
Today the Saviour appears:
Today on earth angels sing,
Archangels rejoice:
Today the righteous rejoice, saying:
Glory to God in the Highest,
Alleluia! Nowell! Nowell!
This beautiful motet by the Dutch composer Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck (1562-1621) was recorded on 5th December 2010 in the Harvey Nichols Espresso Bar in Leeds' magnificent Victoria Quarter in the first of St Peter's Singers' now-traditional Sunday evening carol performances there.
The choir is directed by Dr Simon Lindley, its Music Director since the Singers' formation in June 1977.
More information about St Peter's Singers, including details of forthcoming concerts, recitals and liturgical performances, may be found on the choir's website and on its Facebook group page 'St Peter's Si... less
YISM'CHU for Soprano Solo & SATB Chorus by Stanley M. Hoffman (2003)
for Soprano Solo, SATB Chorus unaccompanied
Music by Stanley M. Hoffman (2003)
Performed by
The Philovox Ensemble
Jennifer Lester, conductor
Margaret Hunter, soprano
© Copyright 2004 by Ione Press, Inc.,
a division of ECS Publis... moreYism'chu
for Soprano Solo, SATB Chorus unaccompanied
Music by Stanley M. Hoffman (2003)
Performed by
The Philovox Ensemble
Jennifer Lester, conductor
Margaret Hunter, soprano
© Copyright 2004 by Ione Press, Inc.,
a division of ECS Publishing.
All rights reserved.
Used by permission.
Shabbat Candles
© Copyright by Olaf Herfurth.
Posted on Wikipedia.
Used under the following license:
Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0
Unreported License.
© Copyright 2004 by ECS Publishing.
All rights reserved.
Used by permission. less
HANEIROT HALALU for Tenor Solo & SATB Chorus by Stanley M. Hoffman (1999)
Haneirot halalu (a Piece for Chanukah)
for Tenor Solo, SATB Chorus unaccompanied
Music by Stanley M. Hoffman (1999)
Performed by
The Philovox Ensemble
Jennifer Lester, conductor
Craig Hanson, tenor soloist
Music:© Copyright 2000 by Ione Press,... moreHaneirot halalu (a Piece for Chanukah)
for Tenor Solo, SATB Chorus unaccompanied
Music by Stanley M. Hoffman (1999)
Performed by
The Philovox Ensemble
Jennifer Lester, conductor
Craig Hanson, tenor soloist
Music:© Copyright 2000 by Ione Press, Inc.,
a division of ECS Publishing.
All rights reserved.
Used by permission.
ECS Publishing Catalog No. 5492
Words: Traditional Hebrew Prayer for Chanukah
Recording: © Copyright 2000 by ECS Publishing.
All rights reserved.
Used by permission. less
AN EASY DECISION for SATB Chorus & Piano by Stanley M. Hoffman (2006)
Music for SATB Chorus & Piano by
Stanley M. Hoffman (2006)
Words by
Kenneth Patchen
Performed by
The Philovox Ensemble
Jane Ring Frank, conductor
Scott Nicholas, piano
Music: © Copyright 2007 by Ione Press, Inc.,
a division ... moreAN EASY DECISION
Music for SATB Chorus & Piano by
Stanley M. Hoffman (2006)
Words by
Kenneth Patchen
Performed by
The Philovox Ensemble
Jane Ring Frank, conductor
Scott Nicholas, piano
Music: © Copyright 2007 by Ione Press, Inc.,
a division of ECS Publishing.
All rights reserved.
Used by permission.
ECS Publishing Catalog No. 6747.
"An Easy Decision" by Kenneth Patchen,
copyright © 1957 by New Directions Publishing Corp.
Used by permission of New Directions Publishing Corp.
Recording © Copyright 2007 by ECS Publishing. All rights reserved.
Used by permission. less
Green grow the rushes oh for three voices
arranged by D W Solomons: for men's voices (in G), mixed voices (in B) and Women's voices (in D))
These arrangements of the song skip from 5 to 12 in order to avoid tiring the audience
("Let's not make them listen to the lot!")
This version in G is per... morearranged by D W Solomons: for men's voices (in G), mixed voices (in B) and Women's voices (in D))
These arrangements of the song skip from 5 to 12 in order to avoid tiring the audience
("Let's not make them listen to the lot!")
This version in G is performed here by Matthew Curtis
Agnus Dei from Mass for five voices
Two saxophones improvise over this beautiful polyphonic music by one of the English Renaissance's greatest composers.
Soprano saxophone: Ross Taggart
Alto saxophone: Campbell Ryga
Conductor: Lars Kaario
Laudate Singers (
... moreTwo saxophones improvise over this beautiful polyphonic music by one of the English Renaissance's greatest composers.
Soprano saxophone: Ross Taggart
Alto saxophone: Campbell Ryga
Conductor: Lars Kaario
Laudate Singers (
Voices, Sax & Syn concert
March 12, 2011
St Andrews United Church, North Vancouver, Canada
Kyrie from Duruflé's Requiem, performed by the Mendelssohn Singers
Maurice Duruflé: Kyrie from the Requiem. Mendelssohn Singers conducted by Noel Edison. Michael Bloss, organ. Performed at the Toronto Mendelssohn Choir's Symposium concert on January 26, 2013 at Yorkminster Park Baptist Church. This concert concluded t... moreMaurice Duruflé: Kyrie from the Requiem. Mendelssohn Singers conducted by Noel Edison. Michael Bloss, organ. Performed at the Toronto Mendelssohn Choir's Symposium concert on January 26, 2013 at Yorkminster Park Baptist Church. This concert concluded the TMC's 2013 Choral Conductors' Symposium led by Noel Edison. Webcast produced by Inline Digital.
Nell'apparir del sempiterno Sole - Francisco Soto de Langa
Vocal Ensemble "Quadrivia"
Alto: Tamara Ivanić
Tenor: Jovo Ivanić
Baritone: Karlo Hameder
Bass: Aleksandar Mijailović
Nell'apparir del sempiterno Sole - Soto de Langa
Nell’apparir del sempiterno sole
Ch’a mezzanotte più riluce intorno... moreVocal Ensemble "Quadrivia"
Alto: Tamara Ivanić
Tenor: Jovo Ivanić
Baritone: Karlo Hameder
Bass: Aleksandar Mijailović
Nell'apparir del sempiterno Sole - Soto de Langa
Nell’apparir del sempiterno sole
Ch’a mezzanotte più riluce intorno
Che l’altro non faria di mezzogiorno.
Cantaron Gloria gli Angeli nel cielo
E meritaro' udir sì dolci accenti
Pastori che guardavano gli armenti.
Quivi trovaro' in vili panni avvolto
Il fanciul, con Gioseffe e con Maria
O benedetta e nobil compagnia!
Recorded at:
Sombor, Galerija savremene umetnosti Gradskog muzeja Sombor
10.12.2022. less
Miracle Sound
Miracle Sound is een vrouwen barbershopkoor (Ladies Barbershop Harmony Chorus) voor de regio Achterhoek en is opgericht op 19 juli 1990. We hebben momenteel 22 leden maar streven in de toekomst naar een ledental van 30 (of meer natuurlijk). Onze leden kom... moreMiracle Sound is een vrouwen barbershopkoor (Ladies Barbershop Harmony Chorus) voor de regio Achterhoek en is opgericht op 19 juli 1990. We hebben momenteel 22 leden maar streven in de toekomst naar een ledental van 30 (of meer natuurlijk). Onze leden komen uit Doetinchem, Zutphen, Ulft, Steenderen, Gaanderen, Etten en Megchelen.
Het doel van Miracle Sound is om het Barbershopzingen bekend te maken bij een groter publiek maar vooral: plezier maken! Het repertoire bestaat uit evergreens, love- en popsongs, musicals en ballads. Uiteraard allemaal gezongen in Barbershop-stijl, dus zonder muzikale begeleiding! less