The 2012-2013 East Carolina University Chamber Singers performing "Angele Dei" by Susan LaBarr. Conducted by Dr. Andrew Crane at Peace Presbyterian Church, Winterville, NC.
English Poetic translation of Haitian Creole text: "Ding, ding, ding", I hear "ding", The bell strikes, "ding" The month of July strikes "ding" on all The calendars. All The children are free, Teachers are gone, In all corners of The country, scho... more
In My Life Originally Arranged by Steve Zegree for SATB Adapted for SSA by Jennifer Perier-Champeaux
Hodie Christus natus est Hodie Salvator apparuit: Hodie in terra canunt Angeli, Lætantur Archangeli: Hodie exsultant justi, dicentes: Gloria in excelsis Deo, Alleluia! Noe! Noe! Translation: Today Christ is born: Today The Saviour appears: T... more
Two saxophones improvise over this beautiful polyphonic music by one of The English Renaissance's greatest composers. Soprano saxophone: Ross Taggart Alto saxophone: Campbell Ryga Conductor: Lars Kaario Laudate Singers ( ... more
Maurice Duruflé: Kyrie from The Requiem. Mendelssohn Singers conducted by Noel Edison. Michael Bloss, organ. Performed at The Toronto Mendelssohn Choir's Symposium concert on January 26, 2013 at Yorkminster Park Baptist Church. This concert concluded t... more
Early in 2020 Several members of Broadstairs based Thanet Male Voice Choir joined togeTher with members of Broadstairs based Harmony Ladies Choir, Singers from The Italian choir Coro Monte Pizzo, from Lizzano in Belvedere near Bologna and Singers from Ger... more
Scores Available at Music and Lyrics by Santiago Veros Synopsis Glaciares is a work that delves into The profound process of how we are forged, both by The forces of nature and by The people w... more