Added December 4, 2014 - 643 views - 0 comments
A choir director who read my book asked me how I practiced at home. It gave me a great opportunity to share this tip that I don’t think occurs to everyone to do and it’s REALLY FUN. Also, and maybe more importantly, it's not only genuinely fun to do it this way, you real...
TEDx Talk about the Joys, Benefits, and Science of Singing
Added February 4, 2014 - 1543 views - 0 comments
I gave a TEDX talk about group singing. I had a very short time to hit all the crucials points. I'm sure I left many out, but I did my best! I hope it gets more people to join choirs and other groups of people who sing together.
Singing Changes Your Brain with a Shout Out to ChoirPlace!
Added August 16, 2013 - 1890 views - 1 comments
I wrote an essay about group singing for Time, and I mentioned ChoirPlace as one of the places to find a choir. This is a picture of a summer sing I went to on Monday, hosted by the West Village Chorale.
Ode to Joy Join a choir. Science shows it’ll make you feel better.
Added July 25, 2013 - 1255 views - 0 comments
Please excuse the shameless self-promotion, but a piece I wrote about the science of singing came out in Slate today. I worked very hard to convey a lot—the joy, the science—in the most succinct way possible, and okay, I'm proud of the result! I got...
Added June 30, 2013 - 1865 views - 0 comments
Walking home after choir one night my friend and fellow chorister Barbara and I agreed the hardest piece we’ve ever done was Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis. Here’s what I wrote about it at the time, (referring specifically to the Credo section): No human can sing this...