Belle Voci Blending Service With Song in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Added June 6, 2017 - 773 views - 0 comments
Founded in 2012, the 50-voice intergenerational women’s chorus, Belle Voci, has been using choral performances as a means for social good by supporting causes that primarily benefit women. The community-based ensemble includes “college students, recent graduates, mothers, gran...
Midcoast Community Chorus Singing As A Community For The Community in Rockport, Maine
Added May 30, 2017 - 782 views - 0 comments
When Mimi Bornstein invited singers to participate in a performance of Paul Winter’s Missa Gaia in celebration of Earth Day in 2005, she was shocked that more than 130 singers showed up to sing. The concert attracted an audience of 800 and raised $10,000 for the Tanglewood 4-H Camp. ...
Pittsburg Multigenerational Chorus Bringing Together Singers Ages 14 To 89 in Pittsburg, Kansas
Added May 23, 2017 - 1060 views - 0 comments
Named after Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Pittsburg, Kansas (population approx. 20,000) was settled in 1876 near the border of Missouri. The city’s primary employer was Pittsburg & Midway Company, a coal mining company created in 1879 that attracted Southern and Eastern Europe...
newVoices Bringing Awareness to Community Issues in Northeast Wisconsin
Added May 17, 2017 - 618 views - 0 comments
The city of Appleton, situated on the Fox River in Northeast Wisconsin, was settled in 1847 and boasts the nation’s first hydro-electric central station built in 1882. It is in the Fox Valley that newVoices is charting new territory in the world of choral si...
Missoula Community Chorus A Welcoming Presence in Rural Montana
Added May 9, 2017 - 772 views - 0 comments
Montana is ranked 4th in size and 48th in population density out of the 50 states, and Missoula, with a metro area population of 115,000, is the second largest municipality in the state. It is in this town where 5 mountain ranges converge that the Missoula Community Chor...