International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo

Santiago Veros's Blog Entries

  • 4 Magical Consortium Opportunities

    Hello everyone! Today I have the pleasure of sharing with you four exciting proposals for choral consortia. I love the idea of a consortium because it represents the essence of community at its best. The possibility of creating music together, of uniting our voices and talents in unique projects, is a truly special experience. If any of these prop... read more
  • The Infallible Formula for Writing a Masterpiece by Santiago Veros

    In 2013, having completed my university studies, my professional experience in composition was nil. My jobs until then had been as an ice cream seller and a brief stint at a bookstore making photocopies—part-time jobs to support my university studies but nothing related to music. After returning from my university city of La Plata, I found my... read more
  • Join the Eternal Unity Mass - "Gloria" Consortium: Uniting Choirs Globally Year by Year

    Hello everyone, I'm Santiago Veros, and I'm thrilled to share with you the next chapter in the creation of my Mass, "Eternal Unity." This is undoubtedly one of the most ambitious initiatives in the choral world. We are creating a Mass, composing one movement each year through a consortium, uniting choirs from across the globe. This initiative will ... read more
  • Voices Against Vanity: How Music Battles Social Insanity by Santiago Veros

    In choral music, I found my tool for social change. Growing up in a Latin American country with a sociologist mother, I witnessed social injustice firsthand. I gained class consciousness and experienced crises personally. I'm talking about financial crises on a scale unimaginable to any developed country—211% inflation. If you don't believe m... read more
  • A Year As A Nomadic Composer: Teachings And Thoughts By Santiago Veros

    A Year As a Nomad:   April 4, 2023, marked the last day I spent in my birth country. I shared breakfast with my brother and mother, showed my boarding pass, and within minutes, I was on a plane to London. What happened during all that time?   Well, to say that I traveled enough miles to circle the world one and a half times,... read more
  • A NEW World Premiere. You Won't Believe What These Kids Do!

    Dear Choral Friends!  Belated Happy Easter. Today, I want to gift you a moment of immense pleasure. Over the weekend, Garden Grove High School CSUF premiered "O Crux" SATB. VIDEO HERE It would be COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE to fully describe the incredible performance this choir has delivered of my "O Crux." You simply have to see for yourself&md... read more
  • Exploring the Magic of SSAA Music: Five Works to Connect with Your Audience

    In the captivating realm of SSAA choral music, discovering pieces that not only excel in musical quality but also forge a deep emotional connection with both the audience and the singers is an invaluable treasure. In this journey, we will introduce five pieces from my SSAA catalog, each weaving its unique narrative and offering an experience that g... read more

    Dear Friends, This is one of the most important moments of my life. It's a thrill to finally share with you the exciting news about "Kyrie" from its premiere at Jacksonville University, a moment so special that I flew there to experience it firsthand. Having my friend Julian Bryson conducting was very meaningful for this piece that speaks of the sp... read more
  • How a Single Mass Unite 50 Choirs Worldwide?

    Dear friends and fellow music enthusiasts, As I sit down to write this, my heart is filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness. I'm about to share something deeply personal and, frankly, quite titanic that I've embarked on. It's more than a project; it's a journey, one that I hope will leave a lasting mark on the choral repertoire and, more i... read more
  • The moving story behind "Land Of Angels" by Santiago Veros

    There were people in this world who have given me more than I have given so far. One such example was Angelina Nicolaidou. A very special person who transformed into a great friend. She took my music to Europe and introduced me to a group of wonderful people, such as all the singers of the Cypriot choir, Cantus Novus Femina. When she passed away,... read more