International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo

Come and Sing Vivaldi's "Gloria", Little Bray, Sunday 23rd March


    Bray Choral Society are hosting a Come and Sing performance of the Vivaldi Gloria
    at St. Peter's Church, Little Bray (behind the Coach Inn, more-or-less opposite Lidl/Statoil filling station)
    on Sunday 23rd March
    All singers are welcome to take part

    Director:        Frank Kelly
    Accompanist: Cormuin Ó Raghallaigh

    Bring your own score, or music can be provided (€6), or you can download from CPDL at

    Registration from 1:30 pm; Rehearsal 2:30 pm until about 5:00 pm; Performance starts at 6:00 pm
    Pre-registration is preferred so we have some idea of numbers; essential if you need a copy of the music (so we know how many to print) - email
    Singers €12, non-singers/audience €5

    Tea and coffee will be provided in the Parish Hall at a break during the rehearsal, but bring your own sandwiches

    Come and take part in learning and performing this beautiful music in the beautiful setting of St. Peter's Church

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