International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo

Vocal Ensemble TIEN sings Laulan!

  • On Saturday November 21st and Sunday November 29th 2015 Vocal Ensemble TIEN will perform 'Laulan!' an cappella programme consisting of choir music from Estonia and Finland. Both concerts will be in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Conductor: Felix van den Hombergh.


    On the concert programme are choir works by renowned composers, such as the mythological love song 'Rakastava' by Jean Sibelius, 'Kas On Linnukesel Muret' by Cyrillis Kreek and Arvo Pärt's 'Memento'. But there will be a wide selection of music by contemporary composers as well.

    The selection of modern compositions comprises a.o. 'Near' by Evelin Seppar (Estonia, *1986), based on the poetry of the English 19th C.  Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 'The Night is Darkening round Me' by Tõnu Kõrvits' (Estonia, *1969) with lyrics by Emily Brontë, 'La Mort de Saint Martin', by Juhani Komulainen (Finland, *1953) for which he chose an old French text, and two tender songs by Maria Kõrvits (Estonia, *1987) based on 19th C. Japanese haiku's.
    Apart from these compositions one can look forward to the vocalise Hiilellä piirretyt puut by Pekka Kostiainen (Finland,*1944), singing birds in Lindude Laul by Mart Saar (Estonia, 1882-1963) and yelling rendeer hunters in Jaakko Mäntyjärvi's (Finland, *1963) Pseudo-Yoik.


    Laulan means 'I sing' in Finnish and Estonian.

    The full concert programme will be published on


    Saturday 21 November 2015, 8.15 p.m.

    Engelse Kerk (English Reformed Church), Begijnhof 48, 1012 WV Amsterdam - The Netherlands

    (This church is situated in the very heart of the city at a lovely quasi hidden beguinage court yard)
    Tickets € 15,00/ € 10,00 (children/students)


    Sunday 29 november 2015, 3 p.m.
    Buiksloterkerk, Buiksloterkerkpad 10, 1034 VZ Amsterdam-North - The Netherlands
    Tickets € 15,00/ € 10,00 (children/students)

    (This church is situated North of the city of Amsterdam in the former village of Buiksloot, a rural site now officially belonging to Amsterdam.

    The church was built in 1609)

    Tickets can be reserved via

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