International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


289 results found
Festival of Song - Song Raids
video: Festival of Song - Song Raids

One performance from a fantastic day singing at various locations around Bristol's harbour Side. Part of Bristol's very own Festival of Song 2013

blog: BeComing a choir leader – it’s a long story!

[this is a version of a post which first appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   I realise that apart from my profile page on this blog, you probably don’t know much about me or my journey to become a choir and singing workshop lea...

Highlights of the With One Voice Program HD by Creativity Australia
video: Highlights of the With One Voice Program HD by Creativity Australia Singing is the language of the heart. For centuries, song has played a key role in community, culture and story-telling worldwide. Yet how many people dare to sing freely these days... apart from in the shower? Community s...  more

blog: Starting a new choir: my story and what I have learned

[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   Having written about starting your own community choir, in 2011 I put my money where my mouth is and started a brand new singing group – my first in...


BEING MORE THAN THE SUM OF YOUR PARTS:   "I can't make it to rehearsal Tonight, but it's ok, I know all the notes, it won't make a difference if I'm not there"   ...

blog: The story behind The Last March of Destiny

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INCERTITUDE ✦ sung by Matthew Curtis ✦ Santiago Veros
video: INCERTITUDE ✦ sung by Matthew Curtis ✦ Santiago Veros

"INCERTITUDE" by Santiago Veros Lyrics by Charles Anthony Silvestri A piece commissioned for the Central Bucks High School-West Choir of Doylestown, Pennsylvania by Dr. Joseph Ohrt. Music Copyright ©2019 Santiago Veros Recording Copyright ©2019 Sa...  more

blog: Almas de Barro: The story behind a choral work

How was this work created?   Santiago Veros at the age of 19 writes this piece dedicated to a woman who for that time she was shy and he rarely talked with her.Almas de Barro describes intimately the moments of counterpoint classes when these two p...

Opšaj diri (Croatia)
video: Opšaj diri (Croatia)

Dance song. 1. Hey people, people, Here is your liberty 2. Vibrant is the lilac tree, My beloved is a partisan 3. On the other Side of the Morave (river in Croatia) a girl is reading the newspaper This outdoor performance was the culmination o...  more