Mistango Choir Festival


142 results found
Ekele Maria - FSV
video: Ekele Maria - FSV

Ekele Maria - Paschal St. Val Abugu (virtual performance by Friends of St. Val). This is a Marian song written with The words of The Hail Mary prayer. Suitable for use in The Catholic Church for reverence and honor of The Blessed Virgin Mary.


A Christian Western song celebrating The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Full Circle Women's Choir
group: Full Circle Women's Choir

Full Circle Women's Choir is inspired by The hope of building bridges and creating a cooperative spirit with All people and promises excellence in women's choral music. We accomplish our mission by combining The Power of women's experience with musical ex...  more

Peace! Be Still! - Mary Ann Baker
video: Peace! Be Still! - Mary Ann Baker

They All shAll sweetly obey thy will: Peace, be still; peace, be still. All knees shAll bow and All tongues shAll confess The awesome Power of God. Whatever our trials may be, The Lord God Jehovah shAll calm The troubles and They shAll be still and...  more

BYU Men's Chorus
group: BYU Men's Chorus

Bienvenue! to The Brigham Young University Men’s Chorus, 180 stripling singers who inspire Their audiences with exceptional music brimming with Power. We may be studying physics, philosophy or French in our off hours, yet once we don The Blue Blazer our v...  more

Vocabella Ladies Choir
group: Vocabella Ladies Choir

Vocabella Singapore, an emerging ladies choir, was founded in September 2022 with a strong commitment to emPowering women through The transformative Power of choral music. The choir was founded by Marcus Lee, with a vision of promoting and cultivating int...  more

The Magic of Melody: Exploring Ariel's Sacred Fantasy Realm!
video: The Magic of Melody: Exploring Ariel's Sacred Fantasy Realm!

Experience The enchanting world of Gregorian Chant with this mesmerizing music video showcasing The magical Power of this ancient music. Let The soothing melodies transport you to a place of peace and tranquility, providing healing and stress relief. Imme...  more

El Mediodía "Poema Coral del Atlántico" J.J. Falcón Sanabria. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife
video: El Mediodía "Poema Coral del Atlántico" J.J. Falcón Sanabria. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife

El Mediodía, del Poema Coral del Atlántico Juan José Falcón Sanabria, música Orlando Hernández, letra Coral Reyes Bartlet José Híjar Polo, director Sala Teobaldo Power, 8 de noviembre de 2000 Concierto de los Estrenos Mundiales a la Composición...  more

M.I.C - ANWANWA DIN JESUS by Osei Boateng - Marvelous Praise 2020
video: M.I.C - ANWANWA DIN JESUS by Osei Boateng - Marvelous Praise 2020


Fix Me, Jesus
video: Fix Me, Jesus

【貳和唱】音樂會 時間 / 2015年6月28日 地點 / 高雄市文化中心至善廳 指揮 / 林志信 2. Fix Me, Jesus修整我,耶穌 編曲Robert L. Morris 羅伯特.莫里斯 這首歌所表達的,是經歷人生的低谷時,面對永恆生命內心產生的謙卑,以及看見自己不足時所發出的嘳嘆!長而圓滑的旋律線條、極具表現力的速度與力度變化,深刻詮釋出字裡行間由衷的真誠。 作曲的莫里斯(Robert L. Morris, 1943-)教授,是利莫利斯合唱團(Le...  more