Mistango Choir Festival


1,557 results found
blog: Going To Have fun with this...

Just ordered one of these.  Can't wait to get it and wear it to my Chorus rehearsal..   Should raise a laugh or two!! You can get one from:   http://teespring.com/SingInTune (different styles of T shirt and hoodies also available...

Coro Cadore
group: Coro Cadore

Direttore: Gino Victor Ruoso. Il Coro Cadore nasce ufficilamente nel 1965 su iniziativa di Gian Piero Genova. Nel 2001 gli succede la figlia Gabriella. Il Coro ha al suo attivo molti concerti in Italia ed alcuni importanti trasferte: Parigi, Sud Africa, G...  more

group: Mayo Male Voice Choir

The Mayo Male Voice Choir has been in existence for twelve years, it has grown in strength this year from 26 to 42 members, and now has a wide and varied repertory featuring many favorites from light opera to popular musical. Our members are mainly from a...  more


TOPIC: THE PROMISE OF THE SPIRIT   KEY TEXT: And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever. John 14:16.          When Christ gave His disciples the promise o...

Eric Whitacre - "Cloudburst"
video: Eric Whitacre - "Cloudburst"

指揮:連芳貝 / 鋼琴:莊憶芬 / 獨唱:羅崧慎、白庭潔 / 朗誦:林昶緯   本曲作者艾瑞克‧韋塔克(Eric Whitacre, 1970-)為美國知名作曲家。即使高中時被學校樂隊開除,他後來仍堅持夢想,在拉斯維加斯的內華達州立大學開始積極地學習作曲與合唱指揮,當時也譜寫了〈豪雨〉這首歌曲。之後他前往朱利亞德音樂學院(The Juilliard School of Music),師習於曾獲奧斯卡奬的作曲家約翰•克里利亞諾 (John Corigliano),並取得碩士學位,從此成為世界上最受歡迎的作...  more

O little one sweet sung by Roundelay
video: O little one sweet sung by Roundelay

Old German tune, harmonised by J S Bach words based on the translation by Percy Dearmer 1 O little one sweet, O little one mild, thy Father's purpose thou hast fulfilled; thou cam'st from heaven to mortal ken, Equal to be with us poor men, O littl...  more

Prime Note Ensemble
group: Prime Note Ensemble

The Prime Note Ensemble has established itself as the first Filipino a cappella choir from Saudi Arabia, founded by Medard U. Obida in October 2001. Members enjoy the opportunity to rehearse & perform under the professional tutelage of its choirmaster...  more

Victoria Scholars
group: Victoria Scholars

Newest album available here: http://bit.ly/14ML08t The namesake of the Victoria Scholars, Tomás Luis de Victoria, was an outstanding composer of the Renaissance period whose music is re...  more

Carlton Male Voice Choir
group: Carlton Male Voice Choir

Carlton Male Voice Choir enjoys the opportunity to sing wherever they can. We have a great Musical Director who is always looking for perfection, and by the way, we have our own recording contract! and you can find us on SPOTIFY

Bring us in good ale   for men's voices
video: Bring us in good ale for Men's voices

Bring us in good ale is a mediaeval drinking song. The premise of the song is that the singers (or players) want no food and so they find all sorts of reasons not to eat: they just want good ale!