Founded in 1981 by Canadian Michel Marc Gervais, Pro Coro Canada is a resident ensemble at the Francis Winspear Centre for Music. In addition to a subscription concert series in Edmonton, the choir performs regional concerts in surrounding Alberta centres... more
A friendly sociable Rotherham three part choir which raises money for charities both local and national. The choir has members from Rotherham, Sheffield and Barnsley. Rehearsals are held on Tuesdays 6-7.30pm at Badsley Moor Primary, Rotherham. New members... more
Grupo Vocal Aequalis was formed in 1998. Since its early days, it has performed compositions from different musical periods spanning from the Renaissance to current times. Nowadays, it mostly interprets pieces by contemporary composers. GVA has don... more
The Choir was founded in 1964 by Gerald Wheeler, organist and choirmaster of St Matthew's Church in Ottawa. The choir consisted of 20 singers. The first concert was December 1964 at the National Gallery. After one season, Gerald moved to Montreal and... more
Champion (High School Category) 2012 Koro ng Bayan, Mandaluyong City Choir Championships
Choir specialising in sacred choral music. We sing at Cathedrals across the UK, deputising when the regular choir is on vacation. The Cavendish Choir was formed in 1994 and has sung at Cathedrals across the UK. Our Musical Director is John Dover MMus an... more
Anonymous catch in 4 equal voices based on peals of bells from "The Catch Club or Merry Companions", published in 1731. I have added some lower voices at the octave for better resonance.
The King's Choir is a Community Choir --A Common Life Singing Group for singers ages 50+ (though we practice a don't ask - don't tell policy)...I.e., if you wish to sing in our choir and are available for daytime rehearsals you are more than welcome to jo... more