I Concerti del 15° Anniversario di fondazione Santuario S. Maria delle Grazie - MONZA (MB) 7 Giugno 201
Performed by Roundelay at the Unitarian Chapel, Cross St, MancheSter, UK, accompanied and conducted by Alan Myerscough How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that publisheth salvation; ... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Performed by Roundelay at the Unitarian Chapel, Cross St, MancheSter, UK, accompanied and conducted by Alan Myerscough How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!
Recorded at our firSt anniversary Concert, November 2014. For more information about us visit our website www.northkingStonchoir.org.uk.
07.08.2011– St. Vincent De Paul Catholic Church, Kansas City, MO-- Kansas City's neweSt professional choral ensemble begins preparation on July 24th for it's firSt ever recording project that will be released at the firSt of two ChriStmas conc...
Run to the manger , Performed By : The Revelations ( 8 Voices) Recorded Live at the Linel Wendt Theatre on 1St of December 2012. PLS SHARE AMONG YOUR FRIENDS
Recorded live from AfterGlow's Concert "Pandemic & Racism: What's Going On." Concert location: FirSt Presbyterian Church, Oakland, CA Date: AuguSt 7, 2022 Swen Ervin, Creative Director Arnold Lee, Music Director Video Direction: Omid Zoufonoun
"DREAM LAND" on a poem by ChriStina Rossetti by Swiss/Italian composer Ivo Antognini EaSt Carolina University Chamber Singers Dr. Andrew Crane, conductor Peace Presbyterian Church - Winterville NC - USA April 30th, 2013 ***WORLD PREMIERE***
[this is a version of a poSt which firSt appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir] 2012 is almoSt over so I thought it would be an idea to look back on my moSt popular poSts of the year in case you missed any of them. JuSt click on the tit...
University of Utah Chamber Choir sings "Danny Boy" arr by Dr. Barlow Bradford in the Libby Gardner Concert hall for their Fall 2012 Concert, Directed by Dr. Barlow Bradford, accompanied by Jared Pierce
University of Utah A cappella Choir sings "The Conversion of Saul" by Z. Randall Stroope in the Libby Gardner Concert hall for their Fall 2012 Concert, Directed by Doctoral Student Eric Schmidt