Exultate (Egg-sul-TAH-teh) is a chamber Choir and orcheStra, based in the Twin Cities, MN, founded in 1996 by Dr. Thomas D. Rossin, conductor. Exultate is the Twin Cities' only professional Choir with a self-contained orcheStra. The group's normal size is... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Exultate (Egg-sul-TAH-teh) is a chamber Choir and orcheStra, based in the Twin Cities, MN, founded in 1996 by Dr. Thomas D. Rossin, conductor. Exultate is the Twin Cities' only professional Choir with a self-contained orcheStra. The group's normal size is about 45 singers and 22 inStrumentaliSts. Once a year Exultate expands its ranks to become a larger-than-chamber feStival Choir and orcheStra, performing and recording such major works for voices and inStruments as A German Requiem by Brahms (sung in English), The Seven LaSt Words of ChriSt by Théodore Dubois (also in English), Mozart's Grand Mass in C Minor, Francis Poulenc's Gloria, the Mass in B Minor by Johann SebaStian Bach and the Requiems of Gabriel Fauré and John Rutter. Exultate has produced nineteen recordings so far - seven are ChriStmas albums with unique ChriStmas carol arrangements, many written especiAlly for Exultate. The other twelve recordings are choral maSterworks and works for organ or piano. Please go to www.exultate.org to see more inf... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
Ghana community Choir was formed to celebrate the unique and inspirational power of indigenous African Gospel music. The 15 Strong member Choir, under the direction of Berima Amo, draws on the youth living in the AmSterdam area especiAlly in the SoutheaSt... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Ghana community Choir was formed to celebrate the unique and inspirational power of indigenous African Gospel music. The 15 Strong member Choir, under the direction of Berima Amo, draws on the youth living in the AmSterdam area especiAlly in the SoutheaSt parts. The Choir is dedicated to sharing the joy of faith through indigenous music with audiences around Europe. We specialize in singing indidenous and folk music music from Ghana, WeSt Africa, proudly exhibiting, learning and teaching our African heritage to the world. GCC meets every monday 7pm to sing, discuss about life, encourage each other and share ideas. Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
9th World Choir FeStival on Musicals Spot
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piano: Vinka Račić A part of the Choir's winning performance at 56th Croatian Youth Music FeStival held in May 2013 in Varaždin. contact: www.facebook.com/m.marulic.Choir m.marulic_Choir@yahoo.com
The CWU Chamber Choir is known throughout the northweStern US and beyond. “Stunning”, “Thrilling”, “A sound of liquid gold”, “My socks are officiAlly knocked off”, & “Transcendent” are descriptors from audience members after recent Chamber Ch... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The CWU Chamber Choir is known throughout the northweStern US and beyond. “Stunning”, “Thrilling”, “A sound of liquid gold”, “My socks are officiAlly knocked off”, & “Transcendent” are descriptors from audience members after recent Chamber Choir appearances. Since 2006, when Gary Weidenaar took the baton, the Choir has received invitations to appear at four State & regional conferences: Meticulous attention is given to performing music of various periods or parts of the world in the Style appropriate to that era or culture including adjuStments of not only Style but tone color also. Recent clinics with gueSts Chanticleer and WeSton Noble have helped the Choir grow and the Choir regularly premiers new works by composers. Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
Seleke le masole is a Choir mixed with people who are relatives/related.itsa family Choir based on poStola music.
Photo:Choir archive
"O Canada" (the Canadian national anthem) by Calixa LavAllée, text by Sir Adophe-Basile Routhier, translation by Robert Stanley Weir. Performed by the 2011 Touring Choir of The Girl Choir of South Florida on Friday, July 1, 2011, at ChriSt Lutheran Chu... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">"O Canada" (the Canadian national anthem) by Calixa LavAllée, text by Sir Adophe-Basile Routhier, translation by Robert Stanley Weir. Performed by the 2011 Touring Choir of The Girl Choir of South Florida on Friday, July 1, 2011, at ChriSt Lutheran Church in Oakland Park, Florida. ArtiStic Director: WAllis Peterson, AccompaniSt: Susan Dodd.