"Lullaby" from "Rossetti Songs for Women's Voices" by Nicola LeFanu. Text by Christina Rossetti. Recorded live on Sunday, May 5, 2013, at All Saints Episcopal Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Performed by the Chamber Singers ensemble of the Girl Cho... more
"O Come, O Come, Emmanuel" arranged and directed by Jessica Loman. Performed by the Chamber Singers ensemble. Recorded live at All Saints Episcopal Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on December 9, 2011. Jessica Loman is a senior chorister with the Gi... more
from "Heavenly Home: Three American Songs" Te Deum Chamber Choir www.te-deum.org Live performance, November 16, 2015 Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Kansas City, MO 1. Oh, they tell me of a home far beyond the skies, Oh, they tell me... more
【悅客客樂】音樂會 時間/ 2014年11月21日 地點/ 高雄市音樂館 指揮/ 朱如鳳 鋼琴/ 林曉君 《花樹下》 詩: 古秀如 曲: 謝宇威 編曲: 蔡昱姍 花樹下 你識聽過無? (花樹下,你曾聽過嗎?) 花樹下 頭擺種著靚靚介樹 (花樹下,從前種著美麗的樹) 花樹下 你識去過無? (花樹下,你曾去過嗎?) 花樹下 頭擺開著滿滿介花 (花樹下,從前開著滿滿的花兒) 人係行過去 該紅紅白白介花(人若打那兒過,那紅紅白白的花) 就跌落你面前 跌落你肩背 (就... more
"Shaker Suite" arr. Nina Gilbert. Traditional Shaker spirituals. Recorded live on June 4, 2013, at Christ Lutheran Church in Oakland Park, Florida. Performed by the Chamber Singers ensemble of the Girl Choir of South Florida. Artistic Director: Wallis ... more
We perform choral music a cappella. There are more than 150 works of various times (Renaissance, Baroque, Classicism, Romanticism and music of the twentieth century) and styles (choral concerts, choral miniatures and songs, spirituals, songs of different ... more
Membership is open to men and women (including High School and College students) of all ages who enjoy singing. New members are always welcome. No auditions required though our director may ask you to sing to verify your placement in the correct voice r... more
"Eu e Você", Brazilian folk song, arr. J. Edmund Hughes, piano accomp. Mary Ellen Loose. Recorded live on Friday, May 17, 2013, at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Performed by the Chamber Singers ensemble of the ... more
"maggie and milly and molly and may" by Joan Szymko. Text by E. E. Cummings. Recorded live on May 3, 2015, at All Saints Episcopal Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Performed by the Chamber Singers ensemble of the Girl Choir of South Florida. Artisti... more