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A Nywe Werk by Sean Doherty
US premiere of "A Nywe Werk" by Sean Doherty.
2014 Choir & Organ composition winner.
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Congregational Church of Batavia, IL
Gesù Bambino - Virgil Sequeira
Music and Text: Virgil Sequeira
Piano: Virgil Sequeira
Performed by: Senior School Choir
Occasion: Carol Service 2017
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IV. Gratias & V. Propter magnam - Vivaldi (Gloria)
IV. 為了你無上的光榮
Propter magnam gloriam tuam
第四段只有六小節,呈現如過門似的垂直和聲,像是第五段的引言,有如橋樑般銜接至第五 段,屬於和聲式的複音織體。兩段之間不間斷地唱出,引導至下一段落。
Gratias agimus tibi
由第四段戲劇性地進入此段卡農式的賦格對位音樂,由女高音開始呈現主題,接著各聲部以 主題模仿方式進入,有一字對一音的半朗誦半歌唱的演唱形式,也有一字對多音的花腔唱法 ,結尾以皮卡第三度結束在E大調,使整使... moreIV. 為了你無上的光榮
Propter magnam gloriam tuam
第四段只有六小節,呈現如過門似的垂直和聲,像是第五段的引言,有如橋樑般銜接至第五 段,屬於和聲式的複音織體。兩段之間不間斷地唱出,引導至下一段落。
Gratias agimus tibi
由第四段戲劇性地進入此段卡農式的賦格對位音樂,由女高音開始呈現主題,接著各聲部以 主題模仿方式進入,有一字對一音的半朗誦半歌唱的演唱形式,也有一字對多音的花腔唱法 ,結尾以皮卡第三度結束在E大調,使整使整段音樂高潮迭起,充滿了頌讚的力量及心意。
指揮: 翁佳芬
伴奏: 巴洛克獨奏家樂團
時間: 2007/12/11
地點: 高雄市文化中心至德堂
Finnish Female Choir TAIKA - promotional video
TAIKA (magic, charm, hex and conjuration) Choir was founded in 2012 by its conductor master of music Karla-Maria Toiviainen. In a short time The choir has achieved a valuable role in The Finnish community in The NeTherlands.
TAIKA practices in The Hagu... moreTAIKA (magic, charm, hex and conjuration) Choir was founded in 2012 by its conductor master of music Karla-Maria Toiviainen. In a short time The choir has achieved a valuable role in The Finnish community in The NeTherlands.
TAIKA practices in The Hague. The choir has a wide repertoire, ranging from folk to pop, with an emphasis on Finnish female choral music. However, The choir enthusiastically performs songs from all around The world.
The choir performs in a wide range of events hosted by businesses and organisations.
The promotional video was filmed, recorded and compiled by Carolina Cortés Zambelli from 12tonos ( less
New Choir
The New Choir was founded by The Music Director and Conductor, Eileen Chang, in August, 2000 and is composed of about twenty five singers from The greater San Francisco Bay Area. The New Choir is an auditioned chamber choir performing choral works from al... moreThe New Choir was founded by The Music Director and Conductor, Eileen Chang, in August, 2000 and is composed of about twenty five singers from The greater San Francisco Bay Area. The New Choir is an auditioned chamber choir performing choral works from all genres. The choir has been conducting regularly scheduled performances in The Bay Area since its founding.
The members of The New Choir have been brought togeTher by Their common love for The making of beautiful music. The New Choir is dedicated to The study and performance of quality choral literature and sharing The joy and The spiritual enhancement inherent in The making of music.
The New Choir has been recognized for Their performances of thoughtfully prepared programs. The choir receives frequent requests for guest performances in The San Francisco Bay area and, in March 2006, was honored with an invitation to perform at The American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) Western Division Convention where The choir's performance was received very warml... less