International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


202 results found
Festival of Song - Song Raids
video: Festival of Song - Song Raids

One performance from a fantastic day singing at various locations around Bristol's harbour Side. Part of Bristol's very own Festival of Song 2013

blog: Becoming a choir leader – it’s a long story!

[this is a version of a post which first appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   I realise that apart from my profile page on this blog, you probably don’t know much about me or my journey to become a choir and singing workshop lea...

Highlights of the With One Voice Program HD by Creativity Australia
video: Highlights of the With One Voice Program HD by Creativity Australia Singing is the language of the heart. For centuries, song has played a key role in community, culture and story-telling worldwide. Yet how many people dare to sing freely these days... apart from in the shower? Community s...  more

INCERTITUDE ✦ sung by Matthew Curtis ✦ Santiago Veros
video: INCERTITUDE ✦ sung by Matthew Curtis ✦ Santiago Veros

"INCERTITUDE" by Santiago Veros Lyrics by Charles Anthony Silvestri A piece commissioned for the Central Bucks High School-West Choir of Doylestown, Pennsylvania by Dr. Joseph Ohrt. Music Copyright ©2019 Santiago Veros Recording Copyright ©2019 Sa...  more

blog: Starting a new choir: my story and what I have learned

[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   Having written about starting your own community choir, in 2011 I put my money where my mouth is and started a brand new singing group – my first in...

blog: The story behind The Last March of Destiny

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Opšaj diri (Croatia)
video: Opšaj diri (Croatia)

Dance song. 1. Hey people, people, Here is your liberty 2. Vibrant is the lilac tree, My beloved is a partisan 3. On the other Side of the Morave (river in Croatia) a girl is reading the newspaper This outdoor performance was the culmination o...  more

blog: Almas de Barro: The story behind a choral work

How was this work created?   Santiago Veros at the age of 19 writes this piece dedicated to a woman who for that time she was shy and he rarely talked with her.Almas de Barro describes intimately the moments of counterpoint classes when these two p...

Soliloquy: Westminster Chorus - the story behind the music
video: Soliloquy: Westminster Chorus - the story behind the music

This is why I sing and why I sing this genre. I wish I could be there to experience it.. I am sure that there will not be a dry eye in the house when these guy's perform. And there is likely to be over 12000 men in the venue. Tune into the li...  more