International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


136 results found
video: Hallelujah

Gresley Male Voice Choir, Autumn Celebrity Concert 2015

Hallelujah, Cohen, Coral Santiago Apostol
video: Hallelujah, Cohen, Coral Santiago Apostol

"Hallelujah". Leonard Cohen, arreglo Philip Lawson, texto Mariano García Coral Santiago Apóstol Director: Mariano García Solistas: Alejandro Guerrero, Visi Fernández V Encuentro de Música Sacra de Casarrubuelos Iglesia de Santiago Apóstol 5 de a...  more

For unto us a child is born
video: For unto us a child is born

2012十週年音樂會 高雄市文化中心至德堂 2012-11-16 指揮: 朱如鳳 伴奏: 許溎芳 詞:以賽亞書九章6節 曲:George Frideric Handel韓德爾 巴洛克時期偉大的作曲家韓德爾(George Frederic Handel, 1685-1759),出生於德國,1712年赴英國發展,以歌劇創作佔有一席之地,然而1730年代歌劇熱潮漸衰,韓德爾遭逢劇院破產,加上身體中風、精神喪亂的危機,在他人生谷底,收到好友詹寧斯(Charles Jennens)寄來神劇《彌...  more

Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen sung by Cantores Celestes Women's Choir
video: Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen sung by Cantores Celestes Women's Choir

'Hallelujah' by Leonard Cohen arranged by Lawrence Green sung by Cantores Celestes Women's Choir. Directed by Kelly Galbraith Kate Carver, piano Anne Lindsay, violin Tony Quarrington, guitar Stuart Laughton, trumpet Jordan O'Connor, bass April 22,...  more

Hallelujah de Cohen, Coral Santiago Apostol
video: Hallelujah de Cohen, Coral Santiago Apostol

"Hallelujah". Leonard Cohen. Arreglo: Philip Lawson. Texto: Mariano García Coral Santiago Apóstol Director: Mariano García Solistas: Alejandro Guerrero, Visi Fernández XXI Encuentro de Coros de Alpiarça Casa dos Patudos, Alpiarça (Portugal) 10 d...  more

Hallelujah from the movie Shrek by  Poznańskie Słowiki
video: Hallelujah from the movie Shrek by Poznańskie Słowiki

Nagranie w trakcie próby przed koncertem 1 czerwca z okazji dnia dziecka

Celebration Psalm & Halleluya(Handel) --- 3 Choirs of Redemptor Mundi Catholic Church
video: Celebration Psalm & Halleluya(Handel) --- 3 Choirs of Redemptor Mundi Catholic Church

Berikut adalah Red'Mund Choir. Paduan suara ini terbagi dari 3 kelompok paduan suara yang ada di Gereja Katolik Redemptor Mundi Surabaya, Cantare dal Cuore, Marriage Encounter, dan Dominic Choir

Hallelujah (Cohen) - Coral Santiago Apostol en Intereconomia TV
video: Hallelujah (Cohen) - Coral Santiago Apostol en Intereconomia TV

Intervención en el ciclo "Música Sacra" de Intereconomia TV durante la Semana Santa 2013 "Hallelujah", de Leonard Cohen. Arreglo de Philip Lawson, texto de M. García Coral Santiago Apostol de Casarrubuelos (Madrid) Director: Mariano García Solistas: A...  more

Sotto Voce : Hallelujah
video: Sotto Voce : Hallelujah

Hallelujah de Leonard Cohen. Extrait du grand Concert de Noël du @theatreduchatelet au Grand Palais le dimanche 17 décembre 2017 avec le Chœur d'Enfants Sotto Voce, dirigé par Scott Alan Prouty avec Richard Davis au piano. Ce concert était filmé par ARTE,...  more

Hallelujah - Salomone Rossi
video: Hallelujah - Salomone Rossi

On Monday, January 19, 2009 at the Music Center at Strathmore, Zemer Chai was honored to be invited to join with other Washington DC area performers in honoring the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. through song.