89 results found
Sous le ciel de Paris
Chœur de Filles de France
Direction : Hugo GUTIERREZ
Rheinberger - Kyrie
Exultate Chamber Choir performs the Kyrie from Josef Rheinberger's Mass in E flat Opus 109
Jumeau: Notre Père, Europäischer Kammerchor Köln, Leitung: Michael Reif
Jean-Claude Jumeau (*1962)
Notre Père
Europäischer Kammerchor Köln
Leitung: Michael Reif
24.11.2012, Sankt Severin, Köln
Bild und Ton: blumlein records | Andrew Levine
Notre Père qui es aux cieux,
que Ton Nom soit sanctifié,
que Ton Règne arri... moreJean-Claude Jumeau (*1962)
Notre Père
Europäischer Kammerchor Köln
Leitung: Michael Reif
24.11.2012, Sankt Severin, Köln
Bild und Ton: blumlein records | Andrew Levine
Notre Père qui es aux cieux,
que Ton Nom soit sanctifié,
que Ton Règne arrive,
que Ta Volonté soit faite sur la terre
comme elle l'est au ciel.
Donne nous aujourd'hui
notre pain substantiel.
Remets-nous nos dettes
comme nous les remettons à nos débiteurs.
Ne nous soumets pas à l'épreuve,
mais délivre-nous du Malin.
Car à toi sont le règne,
la puissance et la gloire,
maintenant et à jamais.
Amen. less
David Houlder's Love Divine, All Loves Excelling sung by St Peter's Singers of Leeds
Conducted by Alan Horsey, St Peter's Singers of Leeds perform David Houlder's Love Divine, All Loves Excelling. David's latest Opus is recorded in the week that the Singer's set off for their 2013 Choir Tour of Mallorca.
The Leeds-based chamber choir ... moreConducted by Alan Horsey, St Peter's Singers of Leeds perform David Houlder's Love Divine, All Loves Excelling. David's latest Opus is recorded in the week that the Singer's set off for their 2013 Choir Tour of Mallorca.
The Leeds-based chamber choir St Peter's Singers make a return visit to the beautiful Balearic island of Mallorca from 26th to 29th October 2013. The choir will be directed Alan Horsey and accompanied by its renowned organist David Houlder, who will also perform organ solos in each of the recitals.
Each hour-long recital will comprise a panorama of sacred choral music from British and Continental traditions spanning over 500 years. Particular features of the 2013 programmes include celebration of the birth centenary of Benjamin Britten (1913-1976) as well as works by composers with particular associations with Leeds Minster, where the Singers are based.
Concert Dates:
MURO: less
Quatuor Meliades Frantzia
Tolosako 44. Abesbatza Lehiaketan parte hartu du Quatuor Meliades (Frantzia) taldeak. Musika profanoa sailean abestu dute.