International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


2,399 results found
"SKopje sings festival"
group: "SKopje sings festival"

All choir ensembles, regardless of The members’ gender and age can apply for participation at The Festival. The limit of The chorister is maximum 35-37 per choir (including The conductor and The choir’s leader). The program of The choir ensemble must be ...  more

molto cantabile
group: molto cantabile

molto cantabile was founded in 2003. The enthusiastic group of singers from Lucerne and its surroundings is lead by young conductor Andreas Felber. molto cantabile was soon recognised by The Swiss audience thanks to Their success at various competition...  more

Gruber - Silent night
video: Gruber - Silent night

Dalla rassegna "Choir Winter Fest", Roma, Chiesa dei Sette Santi Fondatori, 6 gennaio 2014

blog: American Boychoir (Wednesday, December 16, 7:00 p.m.)

The matchless American Boychoir presents a cheerful program of holiday hymns and Christmas carols: a heavenly evocation of Christmases past, present, and future in a not-to-be-missed December event. Tickets to this event include Museum admissio...

Macquarie Singers Inc
group: Macquarie Singers Inc

Macquarie Singers is an inclusive, not-for-profit, non-auditioned massed community choir established originally as a university choir and now incorporated as a registered charity. Lead by a professional conductor and accompanist, Macquarie Singers usually...  more

VI. Domine Deus - Vivaldi (Gloria)
video: VI. Domine Deus - Vivaldi (Gloria)

天主 Domine Deus 全曲以極緩版的速度呈現,由女高音及雙簧管展開優美的對話;而撥奏的低音部則帶出了雀 躍的心不間斷地頌讚,頗有「餘音繞樑」的力量。 獨唱: 梁華蓁(女高音) 指揮: 翁佳芬 伴奏: 巴洛克獨奏家樂團 時間: 2007/12/11 地點: 高雄市文化中心至德堂

Gabriel's Message
video: Gabriel's Message

Schola Cantorum Jubilate during Carols by Candlelight 2010 under The direction of Marouska Attard

Quadrivia- Señores el qu'es nascido
video: Quadrivia- Señores el qu'es nascido

Vocal Ensemble Quadrivia and friends Aleksandar Alić -flute and percussion Andrej Kukuruzar - violin Milan Blanuša - guitar

blog: I Was Here I Was Here: ALARM WILL SOUND (concert June 20, 7:00 pm)

A New Music Theater Work in Three Acts Kate Soper, ComposerNigel Maister, Director/LibrettistAlan Pierson, Conductor with Alarm Will Sound   A 19th-century woman sails down The Nile discovering beauty and brutality in equal mea...