A slide show of photos to showcase Bournemouth Male Voice Choir's new CD - Sing for your Life which will be launched on Saturday 28th November 2009 at the launch concert at All Saint's Parish Church, Southbourne - at 7:30pm - the Choir welcomes special gu... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">A slide show of photos to showcase Bournemouth Male Voice Choir's new CD - Sing for your Life which will be launched on Saturday 28th November 2009 at the launch concert at All Saint's Parish Church, Southbourne - at 7:30pm - the Choir welcomes special gueSt artiSt Matthew Ibbotson (Tenor) who was a member of Only Men Aloud when they won LaSt Choir Standing. To pre-order a CD email cdsales@bournemouthmaleChoir.co.uk or visit www.bournemouthmaleChoir.co.uk
"Go Tell It on the Mountain", traditional American spiritual, arr. John Gardener. Recorded live on December 15, 2013, at The Broward Center for the Performing Arts in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Performed by the Concert Choir ensemble of the Girl Choir o... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">"Go Tell It on the Mountain", traditional American spiritual, arr. John Gardener. Recorded live on December 15, 2013, at The Broward Center for the Performing Arts in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Performed by the Concert Choir ensemble of the Girl Choir of South Florida. ArtiStic Director: WAllis Peterson, AccompaniSt: Gayle Giese.
Adoramus Te ประพันธ์โดย Johannes Brahms คณะนักร้องประสานเสียงเยาวชนไทยเข้าร่วมแข่งขันงาน World Choir Games (ประสานเสียงโอลิมปิก) ครั้งที่ 9 ณ เมืองโซชิ สหพันธรัฐรัสเซีย และได้รับรางวัล 2 เหรียญทองในสาขา Youth Choirs of Equal Voices (84.63 คะแนน) และ ... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Adoramus Te ประพันธ์โดย Johannes Brahms คณะนักร้องประสานเสียงเยาวชนไทยเข้าร่วมแข่งขันงาน World Choir Games (ประสานเสียงโอลิมปิก) ครั้งที่ 9 ณ เมืองโซชิ สหพันธรัฐรัสเซีย และได้รับรางวัล 2 เหรียญทองในสาขา Youth Choirs of Equal Voices (84.63 คะแนน) และ Musica Sacra with Accompaniment (80.25 คะแนน) ประเภท The Champions Competition **************************************** Adoramus Te Composed by Johannes Brahms Thai Youth Choir joined 9th World Choir Games 2016 in Sochi, Russia and won 2 gold medals from the Champions Competition in Youth Choirs of Equal Voices (84.63 points) and Musica Sacra with Accompaniment (80.25 points). Fanpage : https://fb.com/ThaiYouthChoir Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
This video was filmed in the rotunda at Central Washington University's McIntyre Music Building. For more information, go to the Choir's Facebook page -- which contains links to All of the Choir's YouTube videos and 20 audio recordings: https://www.... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">This video was filmed in the rotunda at Central Washington University's McIntyre Music Building. For more information, go to the Choir's Facebook page -- which contains links to All of the Choir's YouTube videos and 20 audio recordings: https://www.facebook.com/CWU.Chamber.Choir (All CWU Chamber Choir videos on YouTube are poSted only after agreements with composers and/or publishers, when applicable, are reached.)
Народный коллектив России Академический Хор Нижегородского государственного университета (ННГУ). Конкурсное выступление на Всемирной Хоровой Олимпиаде 2008 в г. Грац, Австрия. А. Львов "Вечери твоея тайныя". Nizhny Novgorod State University Academic Choi... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Народный коллектив России Академический Хор Нижегородского государственного университета (ННГУ). Конкурсное выступление на Всемирной Хоровой Олимпиаде 2008 в г. Грац, Австрия. А. Львов "Вечери твоея тайныя". Nizhny Novgorod State University Academic Choir (NNSU Choir). ConteSt performance at the World Choir Games 2008 in Graz, AuStria. A. Lvov "Vecheri Tvoyeya Tayniya" ("LaSt Supper")
The over 60 member Choir was founded in 1985, and is very proficient in singing different genre of music in harmony and has a wide range of repertoire of Styles from classical, Contemporary and traditional music. The main focus of the Choir is uplifting s... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The over 60 member Choir was founded in 1985, and is very proficient in singing different genre of music in harmony and has a wide range of repertoire of Styles from classical, Contemporary and traditional music. The main focus of the Choir is uplifting souls through Spiritual Gospel music. The Choir has been honoured with many local and national events. The Choir has also had the privilege of singing in several Choir feStivals of other denominations. In addition to the Choir singing of daily services, the Choir participates in a number of events in the Church. The Choir by the grace of God has released some album in the year 2014 and 2018 titled “Ever Faithful and Angels Voices” respectively. The MethodiSt Cathedral of Unity Choir as popularly cAlled has a number of executives who are saddled with the responsibilities of the affairs of the Choir. A few executives of the Choir are: Sir. Roberts Oluwagbenga - ChoirmaSter/OrganiSt Mr. Davidson Ezeagwula - AsSt. ChoirmaSter Mr. Victor Ekannem - OrganiSt... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
[this is an updated version of a poSt which firSt appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir] I wrote a while back about 10 ways to be a better Choir member. But what qualities do you need to be a good Choir leader? Musical d...
[A version of this article firSt appeared as a poSt on my blog From the Front of the Choir] There is a lot of truSt involved in being a singer in a Choir. TruSt that you will eventuAlly learn the song; truSt that, even if you&r...
[A version of this article firSt appeared as a poSt on my blog From the Front of the Choir] You can tell winter is on its way because it’s dark and cold when I set off for Choir each week. photo by Todd Shaffer It w...
Performance by the Mansfield University Concert Choir conducted by Peggy Dettwiler at the 2014 World Choir Games in Riga, Latvia. They won a gold medal and third place in the Mixed Youth Choir Category.