This vibrant choral ensemble has been at The forefront of The city's musical heritage for over 40 years, having flourished under The direction of Christopher Fletcher, its conductor since 1996. Performing both traditional works and more contemporary musi... more
Voices: ChoralTracks
Maybe we have no need to introduce him to you. Although we proudly tell more about meeting music artistic director, Gábor Hollerung. He graduated at The Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest and is The Principal Conductor of The Dohnányi ...
Birdland performed by MLADA choir Conductor: Olga Vyguzova Пермский хор «Млада», Пермь Художественный руководитель: Ольга Выгузова (Заслуженный деятель искусств РФ)
From our 2013 Lessons and Carols Candlelight Service. We are joined by guest vocalists Holly Ruth Gale (Assistant Professor of Music, ATU) and Jeremy Hopper (student, UCA).
Carol of The Bells M. Leontovich/arr. P. Wilhousky Recorded live December 17, 2022 St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church Dallas
Calling all dads, broThers, uncles, grandfaThers, cousins and mates! Award winning singer and conductor of The ABC TV smash hit Choir of Hard Knocks, Dr Jonathon Welch AM, invites you to join a very special choir for men and boys of all ages that...
Live performance of Robert H. Young's "There is No Rose of Such Virtue." Performed at St. Vincent De Paul Catholic Church in Kansas City, MO.