2012十週年音樂會 高雄市文化中心至德堂 2012-11-16 指揮: 朱如鳳 詩:Aasmund Vinje韋恩葉 曲:Edvard Grieg葛利格 編曲:Thomas Beck貝克 挪威國民樂派作曲家葛利格(Edvard Grieg, 1843-1907)於1880年採用同年代詩人韋恩葉(Aasmund Vinje, 1818-70)的詩作《十二首歌曲》(Tolv melodier, op.33),〈春天〉是其中第二首,原為一首獨唱曲,因著作者對此曲甚為喜愛,也將其改寫為弦樂... more
Far from professional, but good.
【貳和唱】音樂會 時間 / 2015年6月28日 地點 / 高雄市文化中心至善廳 指揮 / 林志信 2. Fix Me, Jesus修整我,耶穌 編曲Robert L. Morris 羅伯特.莫里斯 這首歌所表達的,是經歷人生的低谷時,面對永恆生命內心產生的謙卑,以及看見自己不足時所發出的嘳嘆!長而圓滑的旋律線條、極具表現力的速度與力度變化,深刻詮釋出字裡行間由衷的真誠。 作曲的莫里斯(Robert L. Morris, 1943-)教授,是利莫利斯合唱團(Le... more
Our small but talented Choir consists mainly of young people. All Choir members receive a first-rate musical education. There has been a long tradition of musical excellence at St Laurence’s. The original church, built in the 1880s, had a strong Choir ... more
Thomas Rossin conducts Händel's masterwork in concert. Andrew Barrett, Tenor, Robert Sunderin, Bass, Lea Kirdatt, Alto, Sarah Zimmerman, Soprano
Charnwood Voices, formerly Shepshed Singers, is a four part SATB Choir of some 45 voices based in Charnwood, Leicestershire. Founded in 1977, the Choir has gained a well-deserved reputation for performing neglected and unfamiliar music as well as better k... more