Cantores Celestes Women's Choir LIVE in CONCERT May 4, 2019 Celebrating 30 years Kelly Galbraith, director Kate Carver, piano Stephen Boda, organ Emperor Quartet Ryan Harper, recording engineer Kelly Galbraith, producer
Zenobia Consort, Director Rupert Damerell. Alma Redemptoris Mater de Tomás Luis de Victoria. Concierto 16 de Marzo de 2014 en la Parroquia Santa María, Madrid.
Gorana Biondić, soprano Matija Meić, baritone Dubravka Vukalović, piano Bruno Vlahek, piano Chamber Choir of the Zagreb Music Academy conductor: Jasenka Ostojić
Cantoria Sine Nomine (Italy) Conductor Carlo Andriollo Live recording 2018
Premiere at Chieti, Italy. Published by Marcos Vinicius
Koncert pasyjny w kościele Wszystkich Świętych na Placu Grzybowskim w Warszawie 08.03.2008 r.
-------- english translation -------- Recitative: Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem - Matthew 2:1 KJV Trio: Saying, Where is he that is born King of th... more
Rassegna "InfuoCanTo" 4.0; 7 gennaio 2017 Sarmede (TV) Coro Vox Christi, Coro Note di Colore, Coro Anzano, Coro Conegliano. Riproponiamo il brano nella versione accompagnata da Andrea Mazzer al pianoforte e Lorenzo De Luca al Sax, Alessandro Moz al... more
Fragment koncertu "Druh i Jego Przyjaciele" Chór Filharmonii Poznańskiej ,,Poznańskie Słowiki" Kompania Druha Stuligrosza Schola Cantorum Misericordis Christi Lwowska Orkiestra Kameralna Anna MIKOŁAJCZYK-NIEWIEDZIAŁ - sopran Grażyna FLICIŃSKA-PA... more