Cinematographer and film director Jonas Gjendemsjø. Produced by Varde Consulting AS. Soundtrack is published on the CD "YULETIDE". Sound engineers Cato Langnes & Notto Thelle (NOTAM). Sound producer Njål Sparbo. The video Won 1st prize in the publis... more
Performance by the Mansfield University Concert Choir conducted by Peggy Dettwiler at the 2014 World Choir Games in Riga, Latvia. They Won a gold medal and second place in the Spiritual Category.
NZ Youth Choir perform 'Matariki' for the first time at Whangārei Anglican Church. 'Matariki' by Chris Artley Won the Open Category of the inaugural Compose Aotearoa! composition competition in 2021. Recorded by Evan Williams. Text by Michelanne Forster.
3. AlpenChorFestival Oberwallis 2012, Galakonzert Kollegiumskirche Brig. The second movement from "Les Quatrains Valaisans" performed by the Deutscher JugendKammerchor. It Won 2nd prize at the festivals composition competition.
Performance by the Mansfield University Concert Choir conducted by Peggy Dettwiler at the 2014 World Choir Games in Riga, Latvia. They Won a gold medal and third place in the Mixed Youth Choir Category.
Mcondece Village Choir sings a beautiful piece in Chichewa entitled 'Ndiyende Njirayi'. Mcondece village, a spectacular inland village in northern Mozambique, often visited by elephants and other wildlife, Won second prize in the 2012 Manda Wilderness Cho... more
A performance in the international choir competition in Bratislava, where the choir Won the Grand Prix of the entire competition in addition to three gold medals in various categories.
[To see the FULL SCORE, click here:] English Poetic Translation: Hurry up, walk quickly! Lift your feet up so you Won't miss it, Wake up, take advantage, The Tap-Tap is warming up! If your legs are short, get a he... more
Our performance of compulsory piece Ave Maria by Colin Mawby at Venezia in Musica 2011, where our choir Won the Grand Prix. And, of course, a special prize for best performance of this composition. Enjoy!
Performance by the Mansfield University Concert Choir conducted by Peggy Dettwiler at the 2014 World Choir Games in Riga, Latvia. They Won a gold medal and second place in the Spiritual Category.